NEW Wonder Reef, Gold Coast


Sat 11 Jun 2022 7:15AM — 12:30PM
Gold Coast Seaway

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The Gold Coast's Wonder Reef is now open for diving.

I have booked us 2 timeslots at this stage for next Saturday morning to get to dive there for the first time. The weather is looking good at this stage.  The booking will be for 7 divers doing a double dive, but if there is more interest, I can try to book the 12pm slot as well.

Scott has kindly volunteered to pickup the boat, skipper and return the boat.  If anyone is available to help him clean the boat at the clubhouse after the dives, Im sure he would greatly appreciate it.


Date: Saturday 11 June

Time:  7:15am for a 7:45am launch of Diver 1 to get to Wonder Reef by 8:00am

Location: Meet near the beach entry at the seaway

Cost: $50 for a double dive (Mooring Permits), plus your share of fuel plus a dive ticket per dive.  Because the Wonder Reef is only 10 min from the seaway, the cost should be minimal.  Please bring change/cash for fuel,  and deposit your $50 into the club account to confirm your spot on the trip.  NB: in the situation that we need to cancel due to weather, GCCC will hold $1 per booking (ie $2 each).  We will refund you $48.

What to bring:  Everything: including all dive gear, tanks & weights.  Water, food/snacks, sunscreen, hat, jacket etc.

Somewhere new and novel to dive!  How exciting.

Let's go diving!
