Sydney Boat Dives


Sun 23 Feb 2020 09:00 — 17:00

Event information

This event is sold out.

Sydney Boat Dives are on again this coming Sunday. TICKET SALES OPEN @ 12pm (Thurs 20th Feb)

We apologise for the late notice, but hey, late notice is better than none. One of our lovely Club members has offered us the use of their car this weekend to tow the Didj, so we will be running dives on Sunday morning. We would like to thank them for their gracious offer, and wish them many Happy Bubbles.

|| WHEN ||

Sunday 23rd Feb departing from @ 9am (Group A) and 11am (Group B).

|| WHERE ||


|| COST ||

$25 per boat dive. You will be invoiced (and must pay) in advance.


To be revealed soon, but we will be going to some NEW sites!

|| THE PLAN ||

The Didj will be picking up divers from the (TBA). Due to short notice and time constraints we are looking to only run 2 dives at this stage (9am & 11am), but we may increase this based on demand.

|| GEAR ||

You will be responsible for organising your own gear (including picking, cleaning and returns). The club provides a variety of gear for hire: You will arrive with a full tank. We apologise again for the short notice, however the gear shed is open Thursday evening from 6:00-6:30pm for those able to make it.


If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with us via email

Chris - / 0421565848