Basic Cave Course - Mount Gambier, SA Trip


Mon 02 Sep 2019 09:00 — Fri 06 Sep 2019 12:00
Mount Gambier, South Australia, Mount Gambier, South Australia

Event information

This event is sold out.

The course has sold out - Jump on the waitlist and we will contact you if anyone drops out, or when similar opportunities pop up.

The Underwater Club is teaming up with Reef2Ridge Mount Gambier to give our members the chance to dive in South Australia's crystal clear limestone caverns.

If you have been looking for your next step in diving, this is it! The Basic cave course will bring you up to the standard required to dive in caverns and sinkholes. It is a great starting point if you are interested in technical or cave diving, or if you just wish to have more control in the water.

Rob Main from Reef2Ridge and his team will be running the courses. Rob and his instructors have a years of experience by diving and teaching technical and cave diving.

Attendees also have the opportunity to take their first steps into technical diving, with the optional add ons of Nitrox & Decompression Procedures .

8 spots available!



|| WHERE ||

Mount Gambier, South Australia


|| WHEN ||

Arrival Sunday night (1/09)

02-06 September - Basic Cave course finishes Friday Miday

(Optional) 06-09 September - Avdvanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures finishes Monday afternoon




Basic Cave

The Basic Cave Diver Program is the amalgamation of skills and knowledge necessary to safely dive in Cavern and Sinkhole rated sites.


Theory: cave geology, equipment considerations, predive checks and safety drills, buoyancy and anti-silting, communications, reel and guideline use, gas management and calculation, physiological considerations, access procedures, dive planning, emergency procedures, hazards, accident analysis.


Skills: reel use, line placement techniques, reel locking and abandonment, blackout line following, air sharing while following a line, buoyancy and anti-silting techniques, communications, emergency management, S drills, flow checks, full valve shutdowns.




Optional - Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Procedures


Theory: Decompression dive planning and procedures, including decompression gas choices, tables vs. personal dive computers, emergency and contingency planning (equipment failure, omitted decompression, etc.), equipment selection


Skills: pre-dive checks and drills, stress analysis and mitigation, following a decompression schedule, gas switching, team awareness and communication, SMB/lift bag deployment, proper trim, buoyancy and finning techniques, emergency procedures (equipment failures, catastrophic gas loss, omitted decompression, navigational errors, etc.), equipment considerations, cylinder labelling, analysing nitrox mixtures, and gas blending procedures, ability to dive using EAN 21 through 100 percent oxygen provided:



Optional - Side Mount

Theory: Gas matching procedures to include dissimilar volumes, gas management utilizing independent cylinders, psychological considerations of technical diving, equipment considerations


Skills: communication (light and hand signals), problem-solving in a sidemount configuration, diving in tight or confined spaces, conservation, water entries/exits, S-drills specific to sidemount diving



|| COSTS ||


Basic Cave Course - $1000

Optional - Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Procedures - $1300 (minimum 2 people to run course)

Optional - Side Mount $250



Gear hire will be free with Reef2Ridge with 8 people signing on for Basic Cave, all gear hire for all of the courses is free. (Many $$$ in savings, as the gear hire for these courses is usually several hundred dollars)


Accomemodation and food

TBA  - all accommodation and food costs will be split between all attendees.  We are looking to hire a house for the week.



|| GEAR ||

No personal dive gear is required - all will be provided as part of the deal between the club and the dive shop




Advanced Open Water

50+ dives

2+ night dives

4+ dives beyond 20m

Diving for at least 1 year.



We will be road tripping down together. Anyone on a tighter schedule as able to catch a flight.



There are 8 places available for the courses.

Course bookings require a $500 deposit by 01 May..


Any members who have completed Basic Cave already are welcome to come down with us and spend the week diving in Mt Gambier. Just let us know.



Instructions for payment: If you want to save on booking fees, sign up on the website and send the deposit to:

Account: UNSW - Underwater Club
BSB: 062303
ACC no. 10886277

Use your name as the description - email with a screenshot and cc


Any questions shoot me an email at