Kalinda Liveaboard (Great Barrier Reef)


Mon 16 Sep 2024 12:00 — Sun 22 Sep 2024 12:00

Event information

This event has passed.


The UNSW Underwater Club is proud to present the annual Great Barrier Reef Kalinda Liveaboard 2024!

UNSW Underwater Club is taking to the high seas aboard the luxurious MV Kalinda for another week of diving, eating, partying and many games of monopoly deal on the Great Barrier Reef!

Aboard the Kalinda, we will travel to the most pristine and untouched reefs in the outer Great Barrier Reef marine park. These reefs are home to a plethora of weird and wonderful sea critters, including sea snakes, giant clams, walking sharks, nudibranchs and possibly even (but no promises) whales.

If this doesn’t wet your neoprene, we will be finishing the trip with a day diving on the SS Yongala, an unforgettable 110m long shipwreck widely regarded as the best wreck dive in the world. As you will be living on a boat for a week this trip is all-inclusive of dives, meals, accommodation, and tank fills all for an unbeatable price of $1500pp.

Further details of this trip will be provided to members who have registered and paid.

If you are uncomfortable sleeping in close quarters with people you don't know, this trip is unfortunately not for you.


  • $1500
  • Flights (~$500)
  • Budget ~$50 for reef tax and permits


  • 6 nights accommodation onboard the MV Kalinda
  • Meals provided by your personal onboard chef
  • 14 - 18 dives, including night dives (weather dependant)
  • Diving on the SS Yongala (for Advanced Open Water divers)
  • Weights and tanks
  • Tank fills

You will embark and disembark at Breakwater Marina, Townsville.
You must arrange your own transport to and from Townsville.

Monday 16th September – Sunday 22nd September 2024.

(Don't book flights until you have reserved a spot and the trip organiser has given you confirmation).

You are responsible for transporting yourself to Townsville.

Flights cost approximately $500 return.

Please ensure you purchase travel insurance for your flights!


Below is an *indicative* schedule for the week:

Monday 16th

5pm latest: Arrive in Townsville (TSV)

7pm: Embark Kalinda at Breakwater Marina

Based on flights available from Sydney we will likely all arrive in the morning, share a taxi(s) to Townsville, drop our bags at the Marina and spend the day wandering around the glorious streets/pubs of Townsville.

We will all buy our own dinners before boarding.

After boarding, we’ll have a briefing from Dave, and he’ll start driving us out to the reef.

Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th    

8am: in the water for first dive

Morning tea, move to another part of the current reef

10am: in the water for second dive

Lunch, drive up to 3 hours away to another reef, nap, play games, sunbathe, read a book, etc

2pm: in the water for third dive

Afternoon tea, move to another part of the current reef

Sundown: night dive!

Dinner, have a drink, relax

The boat will stay moored each night and move to a new reef very early in the morning.

Saturday 21st

7.00am: In the water for our first dive at SS Yongala!* (weather dependant)

Long surface interval due to deep dive, have breakfast, etc.

9.00am: In the water for our final dive of the trip

11am latest: Out of the water

Lunch etc, drive to Magnetic Island.

Late arvo: Moor at Magnetic Island, Dinner, Party night!

We will moor offshore and head to the island via tender to buy our own dinner at the pub, have a drink and collect some more to bring back for party night!

Sunday 22nd

7.30am: Disembark at Breakwater Marina

Wander the glorious streets of Townsville again…

11am earliest: Safe to fly out of Townsville

Following our last dive, we must give ourselves a minimum of 24 hours no fly time to get rid of any residual nitrogen following a week of back-to-back diving!

This schedule is based on previous years and is weather dependant, however La Nina is officially over so this year is looking good! 

* SS Yongala is a completely exposed sive site, so if the weather is glorious when we embark we might do Yongala first up just in case it turns for the worse, and if the weather is terrible we might not do it at all…

** SS Yongala requires Advanced Open Water certification.

This trip is suitable for all divers with an Open Water cert or above.
Please note that if you are an open water diver with little experience you may not be able to dive on certain sites, including the SS Yongala.

For this trip, you will need to bring:

  • BCD
  • Regs and dive computer
  • Fins, booties, wetsuit, mask
  • SMB
  • Dive Torch + backup light source

The MV Kalinda will supply tanks and weights for us, so please don't try lug these with you to Townsville!

You are responsible for organising your own gear. BCDs, regulators, dive computers, wetsuits, masks and fins are all available to hire from the club through our gear hire portal* for you to take with you.

* Gear hire is subject to availability


If you cancel your trip, refunds are subject to your space in the trip being filled. We will do our best to fill your place, but this is not always possible.