Reef Trip 2019


Fri 04 Jan 2019 12:00 — Sun 27 Jan 2019 12:00
Great Barrier Reef, 2-68 Flinders Street, Townsville City QLD 4810

Event information

This event is sold out.


Lady Musgrave Island

4th – 27th January 2019

Diving in crystal clear waters teeming with amazing coral, fish, turtles, rays, cuttlefish, moray eels, sharks, and manta rays…

Exploring some of the best dive sites of the Great Barrier Reef, including Fairfax Caves, Alabama and the infamous Manta Bombie…

Beach volleyball, beach cricket, and Headball (rumoured to have been listed as a new event at the 2020 Olympics)…

Lazing in a shady hammock reading your favourite new book…

Going down in history as part of the next championship team of the Lady Musgrave Island Amazing Race…

Trying your hand at baking sourdough, cupcakes and brownies…

Spearfishing for the ultimate catch, or just enjoying the spoils, served up as the freshest Sashimi you will ever eat…

Mastering all your culinary arts on cooking night in order to be named island chef supreme…

Enjoying perfect sunsets on the pristine sandy beaches with a drink (or two) in hand…

Watching in awe as giant turtles climb the beach at sunset, bulldoze through your (neighbours) tent, then dig their nests and lay their eggs…

Watching in even more awe as hundreds of baby turtles crawl up out of the sand and flipper-flopper-sprint their way to the ocean…

Nailing the perfect performance to a standing ovation on Talent Show night…

Partying the night away with all your friends on your own private tropical island…

Chilling out in the lagoon in a giant floatie raftup…

Forgetting about all your cares, worries, as you relax and enjoy every single day of the best holiday ever.. for three whole weeks!!

This is Reef Trip.

What are you waiting for?... book your ticket NOW!!



Reef Trip tickets will open for booking on Monday 7th May at 6:00pm



The infamous, amazing, magical, pristine, Lady Musgrave Island



  • Arrive in Gladstone:                     4th January (midday)
  • Depart for Lady Musgrave:          5th January (evening)
  • Return to Gladstone:                   26th January (evening)
  • Depart Gladstone:                       27th January (afternoon)



Total Cost:              $1500 (initial deposit of $500 required when booking)



  • Two nights of accommodation in Gladstone (4th & 26th of January)
  • Barge transfer to and from the island aboard the Curtis Ferry
  • 21 days of camping on the amazing Lady Musgrave Island
  • All your food and drink whilst on the island
  • Enough alcohol to sustain you for (at least) four BIG party nights
  • Unlimited diving (including all tank fills)
  • The best holiday of your life



It is approximately 1500 km between Sydney and Gladstone. You have three options:



Please allow sufficient time to drive to Gladstone (approx. 20hrs or 2-3 days).

If you are driving it is advisable to leave at least by very early Tuesday 2nd of January.

Please note we will try and organise car transport with the available cars. But this is not a guaranteed mode of transport. The cost of fuel for return car travel is estimated around $150 - $250 per person but will also have to include accommodation and food costs on the drive up. Car-pooling still will be the cheapest option.



Flying will get you to Gladstone the quickest and can cost from around $400 - $600 return per person (or cheaper if you get in there early). Please check flight details and costs with a travel agent or on the web. We can arrange for airport pickups at Gladstone.



Train can cost you nearly the price of a plane but if you are a student you can get a decent discount.



Dive gear can be hired from the club for the entire trip.

Bond of $100 will be charged when booking.


  • Full set of gear:     $100
  • Tank:                      $40
  • BCD:                      $40
  • Regulators:             $40
  • Wetsuit:                  $40
  • All other items:        $20



We’re sure you have questions. We do too. Why are we here? How will I keep my beers cold on the island? What type of fish would I be if I was a fish? Who the hell is Kevin Muttonbird? Why is Flipcup such an awesome game? What would have happened if Morpheus swallowed the blue AND the red pill? Who's coming up with all these crazy questions?

Answers to all your questions will be arriving soon. A full Reef Trip Info Pack will also be distributed to all attendees, and a Reef Trip BBQ/Meet & Greet will be held in second semester. If you have any urgent questions, please feel free to email them through to:







