Monthly Sydney Shore Dive - Bare Island (June)


Sat 03 Jun 2023 08:00 — 11:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


A monthly weekend shore dive at Bare Island is happening!

Do you want to:

  • Meet other members of this dive club? or

  • Check out a cool Sydney dive site? or

  • Get familiar with a cool Sydney dive site? or

  • Get back into diving at a relatively easy dive site?

This is a perfect event for you to do all that!

Upon registration, further information on the dive site and a recommended dive plan will be provided. 

If you can't make it, no fear - we'll do this again next month. 



There is no cost for attending this event – just fill out the online form to register and rock up (with your gear).

This does not include any costs of gear hire with our gear shed. 

Please note that you must be a fully paid member of the Underwater Club to register. 

Any costs for carpooling (e.g. fuel, snacks) will be independently organised.

Please note that due to weather or conditions, this dive may be cancelled (or diverted to a secondary dive site). If you do not register, we cannot notify you of changes to this event.



Schedule for the day:

8:00am: Arrive at Bare Island car park. Park near the bridge to Bare Island.

8:00am - 8:45am: Meet and greet, dive brief and safety procedures, buddy pairs organisation, assemble and don gear, buddy checks. 

8:45pm - 9:00am: Proceed from Bare Island car park, cross bridge to Bare Island

9:00am - 10:00am: Dive (planned 60 minutes bottom time).

10:00am - 10:30am: Return from dive, gear disassembly. Depart at any time.

There is a small chance of a cancellation of this event if forecasted weather and surface conditions are unpleasant for diving.

If this is the case, the trip organiser will endeavour to notify all registered attendees via email at least 12 hours before the start of the event.



For those who live near UNSW, Bare Island is less than 20 minutes away by car!

Bare island has a lot of free but timed parking (I believe its 4P). On any weekend day, if you arrive before 8am, there should be plenty of available parking.

What can I see at Bare Island?

  • Friendly Blue Gropers

  • Red Indian Fish

  • Octopus

  • Wobbegongs

  • Moray Eel

  • Port Jackson Sharks

  • Schools of yellowtail and rock blackfish

  • Scorpionfish

  • A wide selection of nudibranchs at certain spots

There are also supposed to be frogfish, which are a photographer's favourite.



To join this dive, the minimum level of dive experience will be PADI Open Water Diver (or equivalent).

Please note that no attendees of this trip, including the organiser, are permitted by the university to act as an instructor or dive guide. If you require a refresher course to refamiliarise yourself with scuba diving skills, we recommend that you visit a local dive shop to do this before attending. This will ensure that your dive buddy and yourself can enjoy a safe dive.



You are responsible for arranging your own transportation to and from Bare Island with your gear. 


|| GEAR ||

Two very important rules when diving with the UNSW Underwater Club:

No dive computer? No diving.

No safety sausage? No diving.

These two pieces of gear are vital for your own safety. You must be capable of operating this gear whenever you are diving with our Club.

BCDs, tanks, regulators, dive computers, wetsuits, masks, fins and weights are all available to hire from the club through our gear hire portal:

Please note that in the unlikely event of a cancellation of this event, gear hire fees with our gear shed may not be waived.

A few reminders:

  • As a reminder, you are ultimately responsible for organising your own gear. Since we are not a dive shop, we cannot organise your gear for you.  

  • If you hire our cylinders, they come empty. You will need to fill it before our dive. 

  • We can't guarantee the availability of gear for hire at the Gear Shed. Make sure you get your bookings in early to secure your gear hire!



Bernard Wai

0424 753 357 | 

Please contact me if you have any questions.