
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

2024 Outdoor Season

New members please click 'Register', returning members please click 'Renew'.

Hockey Australia (HA) have a participation levy of $57.31 + online fee* (or $45.31 for under 18's). This must be paid online at the time of registration. This fee is in addition to the UCHC fee schedule which can be found here.

*Please note all payments will attract GST + additional $1.60 + 2% revolutioniseSport/pin payment fee.

You can choose to pay your fees in 2 options:

Option 1

Pay your full fees at the time of registration.

Choose the registration category that applies to you (i.e. if you are a student choose UC Student)

The HA Levy will be added to the amount due.

Option 2

Pay a deposit

If you wish to only pay the minimum amount to attend Club day and pre-season training a UCHC deposit of $50, use this option.

You must have paid at least $100 of your fees by Round 1. Full fees must be paid by Round 13. These can be paid into the UC Hockey Club bank account.

The HA Levy will be added to the amount due.


If you have any questions, please contact us



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