
2020 Summer day 1 - Covid Registration
Sun 27 Sep 2020 10:00 — 17:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Please see the event page on our website for full details of the day.


As per the guidelines from Australian Sailing in NSW, please note the following:


  • Full contact is allowed during training and competition with no limits on crew numbers.
  • Recreational boating is still exempt from the 4m2 rule whilst afloat, however the skipper needs to ensure those on board maintain social distancing where reasonably practicable whilst not engaged in competition or training.
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing. 
  • Contact tracing record must be kept for all participants, spectators, officials, coaches, staff, contractors, and visitors.
  • If you are unwell or showing any symptoms for COVID-19 then you must not attend.
  • If you have been to any COVID-19 quarantine areas in the past 14 days, then you must not attend.
  • No activities that result in the mixing of participants and staff from different regions, for example by ceasing zone, regional or state championships or competitions. 

    • Examples of inter-regional mixing include activities which bring together participants (including spectators and officials) from organisations in different regions of Sydney, from a rural area into a metro area and vice versa, and movement between different rural areas

  • Cease any activities that result in overnight stays (e.g. multi-day training camps) due to increased risk of COVID transmission in residential-type settings with shared facilities

  • Cease face-to-face social activities relating to community sports (e.g. award ceremonies, BBQ's, end-of-season social gatherings, post-training group dinners)

  • Avoid carpools or bus travel with people from different household groups where possible

  • For local activities, limit spectators to one parent only, where the child requires parental supervision during the sporting activity.

All people attending must register.