TSCQ membership is open to anyone who owns, sails on, or would like to sail on a Trailer Sailer!
Membership includes:
Entry into TSCQ racing events
Optional entry into the Manly Combined Clubs Series TSCQ divison
Invitations to cruising events held through the year (upcoming events)
Access to club equipment such as the boat lifts
Membership forms can be downloaded here:
2024/25 Membership Form
How To Lodge
Complete your form and send to the email address below with a payment receipt for your bank transfer of membership fees.
Trailer Sailer Club of Qld Inc
BSB: 484-799
Account No: 034518691
(include your NAME as reference) and email completed form to
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Join our Facebook Group to stay up to date with on upcoming events, tips, group support and great trailer sailer destinations.