RPAYC Tackers 1 - Sunday AMs Term 4 2019


Eight sessions are scheduled for the following dates/times; . All session times are 9am-12pm . Sun 20 Oct 2019 Sun 27 Oct 2019 Sun 03 Nov 2019 Sun 10 Nov 2019 Sun 17 Nov 2019 ** Sun 01 Dec 2019 Sun 08 Dec 2019 Sun 15 Dec 2019 .
Australian Sailing - 3. Tackers 1 - Having Fun

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.


We're sorry you missed us, we hope to provide another opportunity for you at the RPAYC very soon...

Course Overview
This course aims to provide children aged 7-12 with a fun, safe and affordable way to get into sailing. 

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years-old

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to have fun and learn the basics of sailing through games on and off the water.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers 1 course, the participants will be able to:

  • Steer with tiller extension under towing paddling power
  • Tie a figure 8 knot, round twice and two half hitches
  • Tack (push turn)
  • Gybe (pull turn)
  • Reach around a figure of 8 course using both tacking and gybing
  • Sail with tiller extension
  • Sail upwind and downwind by following the safety boat

You will gain your Tackers 1 completion certificate. 


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