
Australian Athletics

Please click on the link below to view or download the Athletics Australia and Member Associations Membership Terms an Conditions.

Membership Terms and Conditions

Queensland Athletics

I hereby make application for membership of Queensland Athletics with the Club I have selected and declare that I am eligible to participate in competition according to the eligibility laws set down by the By-Laws of Athletics Australia. I agree to abide by all the Rules and By-Laws of Queensland Athletics, Memorandums, Articles and By-Laws of Athletics Australia including the General and specific codes of conduct contained therein and Constitution and Rules of World Athletics as amended from time to time. I consent to undergo drug testing under the auspices of Sport Integrity Australia and I consent to my name and/or image being used in Queensland Athletics publications or displayed on the website of the official Queensland Athletics (or verified club) photographer.

Athletics North Qld

I hereby make application for membership of Athletics North Queensland Incorporated with the Club listed on this registration form and declare that I am eligible to participate in activities according to the eligibility laws set down by the By Laws of Athletics Australia.  I agree to abide by all the Rules and By Laws of Athletics North Queensland, Memorandums, Articles and By Laws of Athletics Australia and Constitution and Rules of the World Athletics as amended from time to time.  (Copies of this available on Athletics North Queensland website).  I consent to undergo drug testing under the auspices of ASADA. I consent to my name and/or image being used in publications, displayed on the website/social media sites of ANQ Affiliated Clubs & Athletics North Queensland, Queensland Athletics, Athletics Australia and World Athletics.

Townsville Road Runners Inc

Knowing that running and walking are potentially hazardous activities, I enter all Townsville Road Runners Inc. walks, runs, races and associated events certifying that I am medically able and properly trained to compete. I also assume any and all other risks associated with participating in these events including, but not limited to falls and contact with other participants and objects. Knowing these facts and in consideration of your acceptance of my online membership form, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, indemnify and covenant not to sue, and waive, release in discharge Townsville Road Runners Inc., the Townsville Running Festival and Athletics North Queensland and their officers, organisers, servants, agents, contractors, volunteers, medical and paramedical personnel, the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which events or parts of events are conducted, all instrumentalities, cities, state or councils where an event is held, and all sponsors of all liabilities, claims, damages, cost or expenses which I may have against them arising out of or in any kind of nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. I consent to receiving any medical treatment including ambulance transportation that the event organisers think desirable during or after the event. I consent to Townsville Road Runners Inc., the Townsville Running Festival or Athletics North Queensland and event organisers using my name, image and/or likeness before, during or after the event for event promotional broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media including websites. I understand that compulsory insurance cover affected for participants in these events may not cover me for any or all injury, loss or damage sustained by me.