Bindal Ridge FUN RUN


SUNDAY 29 JUNE 6.30-11.00AM

Event information

Bindal Ridge Fun Run Event brought to you by Townsville Road Runners and QCWA ACES!

The Bindal Ridge Fun Run will kick off from 6.30am on Sunday 29 June with a briefing and group warm up.

You can compete in the 5km run up the Moongun track or have a slower paced walk, run or stroll through the 3km track around Elliot Springs park and ground tracks, or go all out and combine the tracks for an 8km effort@

📆 Sunday 29 June 2025
⏰ 6.30am
📍 Elliot Springs Sports Field -  Wadda Mooli Park
Elliot Springs Bvd, Julago QLD 4816, Australia


Tickets: $XX for 3km, $XX for 5km, XX for 8km

🛍️Plenty of Prizes! Compete for King & Queen of The Springs, dress up, and even bring your fur babies dressed in their Sunday best!

#BindalRidgeFunRun #RegisterNow @ElliotSpringsTownsville @qcwaaces @townsvilleroadrunners