Event information

This event has passed.

TIODA are inviting all Opti parents to attend their AGM which will be particularly relevant to those looking to grow the class within Tasmania. Have a look at the notice below and get to the meeting if you can.

In accordance with section 10 (2) of the Rules of Association the TIODA committee hereby advise notice the Annual General Meeting is to be held on the Friday 10 September 2021at Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, commencing at 6pm.

All office bearers and committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and elections held to fill vacancies for the positions of Office Bearers. Attached is a committee nomination form should you wish to nominate for President, Secretary or Treasurer. Club representatives are elected at a club level.

As per section 12 of the Rules of Association nominations are to be forwarded in writing to the Secretary not less than 7 days before the day on which the general meeting is to be held.

A proxy form is also attached should you be unable to attend.

Proxy forms and Committee nomination forms may be emailed to TIODA President - tioda.president@gmail.com

Files for download
Nomination FORM TIODA 2021 AGM Agenda
