Sail set-up

Rigging the sail

Boom sail ties x 6, each are 30cm long and are 6-8mm away from the boom

Mast sail ties x 6, each 50 cm long are 2-4mm away from the mast

Corner ties x 5, each 50 cm or longer.  The distance from the sail to the boom/mast (except the diagonal tie) should be 1-3mm. The diagonal tie needs to determine where the red/black band (on the sail) goes between the gold lines on the mast, if you tighten the tie it will pull the band down, loosen it, it will move up (you want it in the middle)


Tuning for conditions

Light Wind Setup 0-10 knots –

Luff: really loose and floppy (to do so, have as many twists as you can fit on the preventer)

Outhaul: loose enough so it creates small dips from sail ties, but isn’t too big when you pull on the mainsheet.

Vang: minimal tension.

Sprit: loose enough so there is no crease (full sail).


Light/Medium Wind Setup 10-14 knots –

Luff: loose (when you put your fingers through it, it is a bit tight), not completely floppy (to do so put less twists than the light wind setup)

Outhaul: tighter than the light wind set-up, but loose enough so there isn’t a crease along the base of the sail when you pull on the mainsheet

Vang: loose (but not so loose so that when you are on an upwind the vang is floppy), just enough to ensure the boom isn’t angled upwards

Sprit: tight enough so there isn’t a crease from the top of the mast to the end of the boom


Medium Wind Setup 14-18 knots –

Luff: medium tight (not so tight that it has a crease on land), (to do so put less twists than the light/medium wind setup)

Outhaul: tighter than the light/medium wind set-up, but loose enough so there isn’t a crease along the base of the sail when you pull on the mainsheet

Vang: tight

Sprit: tight enough so there aren’t any creases depending on the weight of the sailor and experience, depowering the sail may be necessary – less sprit so a slight crease is visible (If in doubt ask a coach or fellow sailor)


Medium/Heavy Wind Setup 18-22 knots –

Luff: tight (tight so that it has a small crease), (to do so put less twists than the medium wind setup)

Outhaul: tighter than the medium wind setup, but loose enough so there isn’t a crease along the base of the sail when you pull on the mainsheet

Vang: very tight

Sprit: tight enough so there aren’t any creases from the top of the mast to the end of the boom depending on the weight of the sailor and experience, depowering the sail may be necessary – less sprit so a decent crease is visible (If in doubt ask a coach or fellow sailor)


Heavy/Extreme Wind Setup >22kn –

Luff: extremely tight (as tight as possible), (to do so put as little twists as possible, maybe 1 or even none.)

Outhaul: as tight as possible

Vang: as tight as possible

Sprit: less sprit, depending on the weight of the sailor and experience, depowering the sail may be necessary (less sprit for lighter sailors).