Tackers 3- Flinders


Mon 27 Dec 2021 14:00 — Fri 31 Dec 2021 18:00
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Australian Sailing - 5. Tackers 3 - Sailing Fast!

Course information

This course is sold out.

Course Cost

$396 ($386 early bird before 30 November)

*Please note that a payment gateway fee of 2% + $1.60 applies to all online transactions.

Course Inclusions

  • 20hrs with qualified Australian Sailing instructors. 
  • FUN on-water and off-water games.
  • Plastic optimist sailing dinghies and PFDs (lifejackets).
  • Presentation with certificate and photos emailed on the last day. 

COVIDSafe Plans

Head to our COVID-19 Information page for the most up to date information on how we’re changing the way we operate, and what we need from you to help us operate safely. These COVIDSafe plans will be updated in line with current government restrictions so check back before your session. 

More Information

Tackers 3 is all about how to sail as fast as you can. We will introduce some racing concepts but still keep the competitive element out of Tackers. Learn how to make the boat go faster and play more games, all while still under the guidance and supervision of the Instructor and Assistant Instructors. For anyone who has completed Tackers 2 and feeling comfortable sailing by themselves.

Click here for what to bring

Course Overview
This course aims to build on skills learned in Tackers 2 and focuses on advanced sailing skills through games and adventures on the water. 

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years-old
  • Skills, knowledge and experience gained in Tackers 2

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who have completed Tackers 2.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers 3 course, the participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the correct method and understand the theory of roll tacking and gybing
  • Stopping the boat in a confined areas for a period of time
  • Sail backwards
  • Understand the theory behind gybing and can demonstrate the action downwind
  • Show a sound knowledge of the five essentials:
    • Centreboard position
    • Boat trim
    • Boat balance
    • Course made good
    • Sail trim
  • Start and finish races on a triangle and trapezoid course
  • Always use tactical mark roundings in races

You will gain your Tackers 3 completion certificate. 


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