Penrith Skatel - Saturday Night Public Session (Term 3)
Sat 05 Sep 2020 19:00 — 22:00
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Special Term 3 Session times: Due to the COVID-19 situation all sessions will be available by Booking Online in advanced in order to meet the current (01/07/2020) requirements of internal gatherings.
Note the following:
- All sessions have limited numbers to meet Social Distancing requirements
- We are closed between sessions for cleaning and sanitising
- Priority Access will be given to paid participants, please minimise the number of spectators, as seating will be limited
- Penrith Skatel is a registered COVID Safe business with a NSW Government COVID-19 Safety Plan for Indoor Recreational venues
- The venue is compliant with good hygiene and food safe practises (including providing hand hygiene products and suitable rubbish bins, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal)
- We insist all staff and encourage all patrons to practise good hand hygiene - Hand Sanitiser stations are provided
- If you feel unwell at the rink, please let us know and go home. Please understand that customers and staff who exhibit flu like symptoms (sniffles, coughing or sneezing) will be asked to go home as a precaution to minimise the risk of infection.
- If you are already feeling unwell, or have flu like symptoms or had direct contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not vist the rink.
- We also would like to remind all attendees to practise social distancing
- All partons to provide contact tracing details when booking (including spectators)
- Book & Pay online in advance to guarentee your ticket for the sessions (online payments uses the PinPayment system (a credit/debit card is required) - each transaction will attract a merchant fee of 2% + $1.60 AUD, which is in addition to session / skate hire price).
- Priority Access will be given to Booked parties - call 02 4735 6699 to book