
Sydney Stingers


Stingers Update - November 2020

Published Fri 20 Nov 2020

Hey Stingers!

I hope everyone is settling in to the season well; it’s been great to see so many in the water and hear from our coaches, team captains and managers about how all our teams are improving week to week, including some hard fought games this past week! Big thanks to our coaches for making time to support us at games from time to time.  

There’s heaps going on in, around and out of the water that I wanted to let you know about, including 2020 Christmas plans, Sunday training and Exec nominations. 

(photo: new member Zac Reilly, M7 Cookie Monster; credit: Alex Lau)

Christmas is coming!

As we continue to see low numbers for COVID-19 transmission across the country - including 13 days of no community transmission in New South Wales - we are looking at how we can strengthen our social connection across teams and the club. Our Social Coordinator, Ivan Buckingham, has a poll up in the facebook members group checking availability for an outdoor Christmas picnic for the club. Let us know if you can make either or both days so we can finalise details. The event will be held in line with our COVIDsafe plan and informed by NSW Health and other relevant guidance. There might be a few awards or surprises as well...hope you can make it!

Sunday sessions are making a comeback!

After finishing up our temporary Sunday all-in training sessions last month, we heard the feedback loud and clear and are bringing them back! Watch the facebook members group for more details of the start date *very soon* at Auburn in the late afternoon.

Our Sunday sessions are an excellent opportunity to

  • Play with players of different skill levels and teams across the club;
  • Focus on specific skills like goalie or centre forward training;
  • Develop reffing or coaching skills; and
  • Make the most of extra water time with our coaches.

Big thanks to Water Polo NSW for making their legacy time at Ryde available the first time around and for helping us find pool time with Auburn this time!

Seeking Exec Nominations

Nominations are open for our three Ordinary Executive positions. Appointed for 12 months based on their skills/experience, our objective is to ensure that across these roles (and the broader Executive Team) that the club’s membership is well represented. Noms are open until 29 November - check out the post in the facebook members group or contact Bianca via secretary@sydneystingers.org.au

Inclusion and Member Protection

Stingers has both an Inclusion Officer (Claire Suters) and a Member Protection Information Officer (Stef Jelic), who are points of contact for enquiries or concerns under our TGD Inclusion Policy or the WPA Member Protection Policy. You can also approach an exec member with questions, suggestions and concerns.

Mardi Gras 2021

We will have a Mardi Gras Parade in 2021! Michael Hockey is coordinating our entry alongside our sister clubs. There will be changes this year, like lower numbers allowed per float and no vehicles. More info will be released in December/January. Thanks to Michael, Stef Jelic, Deon Von-Kepping, Daniel Kirkwood and Elle Kazantzis for representing the club at the MG Parade Launch a few weeks ago.

ACON Partnership

Stingers and ACON are once again Community Partners this year, a role we have played for one nearly every year since 2015. We are proud to continue supporting ACON’s work and will share opportunities to get involved over the course of the year.

See you in the water!

Ben Thomas 

Club President


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