
Sydney Stingers


Stingers Update - December 2020

Published Sat 19 Dec 2020

Goodbye 2020 - we will miss you so!

I was hoping to provide a wrap to this year over a drink tomorrow, but 2020 is staying true to form and so here's an email instead. As you might have seen in various comms from the club today, our Christmas Drinks are postponed until January. Hold onto that fancy, fascinating fascinator and watch out for more info on rescheduling the event soon.

Regardless of the challenges of 2020 this year has been an eventful year for the club, and I wanted to reflect on a few highlights and provide you a few updates about various things going on and coming up.  

2020 Highlights, in photos

Our photogenic L5ers!Our IGLA Silver Medallists!IGLA was possible because of our coaches!Stingers March at MG20Stingers Awards onlineWhat great booties!Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

What defined 2020 for the Stingers? 

In asking several Stingers this question over the past few days, the overwhelming consensus has been that 2020 will be a year defined by the strength of our community and connectedness.

  • We saw the club come together to send teams to IGLA in Melbourne and welcome our friends from across the globe for Mardi Gras. 
  • As things got complicated and uncertainties raised, the Stingers moved swiftly in the interest of the community and reached out both within the club and internationally with our sister clubs globally to stay engaged and supportive of one another.
  • Our Club Exec and Coaches worked hard to plan out how we could get back in the water from July, and our Recruitment team were even able to welcome new Stingers to the club.
  • We have seen connections within our teams and connections across the club develop and strengthen as we formed teams for summer and introduced new opportunities like our Sunday training sessions and a new Supporters and Second Club membership classes. 

In all, in a year of uncertainty and change, it's been wonderful to be part of our community in and out of the water. Next year marks our club's 20-year anniversary, and I look forward to how we continue to build our community as we move into our third decade. 

Help make Stingers run - volunteer to help with club comms!

Stingers only works when we all contribute in a small way - whether captaining or managing a team, organising events like Trivia or helping out with bootcamps. With Bianca now the Club Secretary it means we have space for someone (or a few people!) passionate about getting the word out inside and outside the club to work with Danny Delgado on club comms. From our socials to internal group posts and our website, it's a great way to get involved in the club (and know first what's going on). If you're keen, reach out to Bianca or myself. 

Training returns 9 Jan (and Bootcamp, too!)

This morning's session was our last for the year. We will return on 9 January, subject to health advice and restrictions. Watch the facebook members group for training time announcements and we look forward to seeing you back in the water!

We will also be running a new member bootcamp in January, given continued high interest in the club. Watch for calls for help from Brad and the recruitment team in the next few weeks. 

Mardi Gras 2021

Our parade entry for Mardi Gras has been confirmed! We will be working with our sister clubs, the Surge and the Tritons, to fill 2 entries in the 2021 Parade in Sydney Cricket Ground. It will be a great event to continue to promote the club within the community. Be on the lookout for tickets and details in the first weeks of January, and prepare those marching and dancing shoes! 

Please stay safe and make the most of your holiday period.


Ben Thomas 

Club President


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