
Sydney Stingers


May Newsletter

Published Wed 03 May 2023

May Update: Trivia, Awards, Mouthguards, INTRA, Member Zone, and More!

Trivia Night - London Calling 

Our annual trivia night is back on Saturday 27th May as we farewell our teams heading off to London. Please help us make this night amazing via one (or a combination) of the options below, as we know everyone’s situation is different! 

  1. Bring a table of non-stinger friends/family along. Showcase our wonderfully creative and inclusive club!
  2. Organise a table with your stingers friends, because no, we can never spend enough time together 💙. Alternatively, purchase a single ticket and be grouped together on a table. 
  3. Share the raffle ticket link to friends, colleagues, family and to those who are unable to attend on the night. They don’t need to be there to claim their prize, we will get in touch with them if they win 🙂
  4. Volunteer to dance, sell tickets or mark answer sheets. We still have a few spots available (such as 1.5 minutes of backup dancing, a leading character, or table runners), please contact Ivan

This link has access to both trivia night tickets AND raffle tickets 👉 https://linktr.ee/sydneystingers

Summer Season Awards

Join your teammates at The Burdekin Hotel on Saturday 13th May, 3:00pm - 6:00pm for some social drinks and celebrate the season that was. Please RSVP so we know you're coming. 

Champ Mouth Guard Fittings

Get yourself fitted for a mouthguard at swim squad on Thursday 11th May or during training at Ryde on Saturday 13th May. The cost is $180 which includes a case, and you may be eligible for a rebate from your private health fund. If you would like one, please use this link to book and pay upfront for planning purposes. The colour/text/text colour can be freely selected and they have the Stingers logo on file so if you would like this please note it in the “Design notes/comments” field. In “Name of Sporting Organisation” please note if you will be attending the Thursday or Saturday fitting.


INTRA Winter Season

INTRA Round 1 to start on May 28th. Please sign up for INTRA here, particularly those Booties who will be continuing with the club! 

Member Zone and Club Calendar

Have a question about the club? Check out our Member Zone for an answer! Please let Tom Cooney (secretary@sydneystingers.org.au) know if you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if anything doesn’t look right. 

We’ve also put together a Google Calendar based Club Calendar which is kept up to date with training and club events for your long term planning needs! You can also subscribe to the calendar using this ICS link. Keep looking out for regular training announcements in Stingers Members. 

Stingers On Tour

Keep an eye out for your teammates as Stinger set out for world domination! We'll be battling it out in the pool here:

  • IGLA in London, June 2023
  • Gay Games in Guadalajara, November 2023 - Express your Interest here
  • IGLA in Buenos Aires, November 2024 - something to keep in mind!


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