
Sydney Stingers


July Update: The Pool is Still Heated!

Published Sat 13 Jul 2024

July Update: The Pool is Still Heated!

Whats Happened:

Metro Mid Season Break

Wrapped in our blankets and beanies for July we can enjoy a quick break from games before sprinting back in August to finish off the winter season. Training is still on, and the pool is feeling like a sauna during this cold snap so we’ll be seeing you on deck!


Whats On:

IGLA 2024 Buenos Aires Expression of Interest

Flights are getting booked and plans pencilled in, if you’re still interested in attending please reach out directly to Dylan.


IGLA 2025 Washing D.C.

FOMO setting in? Start saving those pennies as Stingers will be attending the 2025 IGLA completion in Washington DC! Waterpolo will be held 2-6th June, which coincides with World Pride events hosted by the city. 

Something Helpful

Following last month’s introductions, here are the Exec who help run the club:


Joshua Sprake - Treasurer

Member since 2019

Who I am?
    • My name is Joshua Sprake and I have been a stinger for five years and Treasurer since the 2023 AGM.
    • I have played water polo for 17 years and currently play in Metro and Intra.
    • As a fun fact I also play the saxophone!

What I do?

  • Constitutionally I ensure:
    • Payments are collected and paid as and when they fall due; and
    • Ensure proper records and statements are kept to meet legal requirements.
  • However the more critical aspects of my role are preparing and managing the annual budget for the Club.
  • This includes projections as to the coming year for income and expenditure and adjusting throughout the year tracking against these projections.
  • Additionally, I provide analysis and views to the Club Executive on the value of our spend and our strategic direction and investment.
  • Overall, please reach out to me for any questions on how the club is funded, or how we spend our funds.

Ben (he/him) - President

Member since 2015

When I was invited by my mate Jesse to try out water polo back at the end of 2014, I was a bit skeptical. I grew up a competitive swimmer and runner, so team and ball sports weren’t my thing, but my knees needed a break from running and a number of my friends were moving overseas so I thought why not give it a go.


The Stingers has been a family for me for nearly 10 years: a group of people you see every week, even if you don’t want to go to training early on a Saturday morning or play at Dawn Fraser Baths after a big rain. The relationships I have formed from the club and the mere regularity of connection has been one of the most important sources of support for me in both good times and bad over the years. I have also grown and developed skills that have translated directly to other parts of my life. I’ve been a team manager and captain, run events, recruits and trivia, and have been on the Exec for 8 years as Secretary and now President. It’s been a really rewarding experience to give back in this way.


As Club President, it’s my job to make sure everything comes together. There’s a lot that goes into running the club every day, but many capable hands make that work as light as a feather. We are very lucky to have such a competent crew on our Club Executive, poolside coaching and captaining us, and running key areas like trivia, recruits and events. Maintaining a strong culture of contribution, inclusion and passion for the sport is one of the most important jobs I have as Club President. The other is guiding the club’s future by remembering where we have been, assessing where we are and listening to where we want to go, then executing on this.

Over the last 10 years we have transformed our club from the 30 mostly gay males we were in 2015 to the nearly 200 fabulous queers we are today, stabilising our operations with permanent coaches and two training facilities, creating new opportunities for every Stinger to develop their polo skills and win games with Intra and in Metro, building strong connections with our sibling clubs, community and sporting code with events like Grudge Match, AQuA and the Beach Festival, and most importantly continuing to provide a place for every Stinger to both create and find a community that values, supports and encourages each of us. My time as President comes to an end at our next AGM, but I look forward to being a part of this family and giving back to the club for many years to come.

Stingers On Tour

Keep an eye out for your teammates as Stingers set out for world domination! We'll be battling it out in the pool and attending these events:

  • Rainbow Grudge Match, 4-7th October 2024, Ryde and Gunyama.
  • IGLA Buenos Aires, 5-9th November 2024 (coincides with Gay Pride events in Argentina)
  • IGLA Washington DC, 2nd-6th June 2025 (during World Pride).

General Information:

  • If you have Facebook, please join our Stingers Members Page, where you can keep up to date with announcements.
  • See the Member Zone for club information
  • Check out the Club Calendar for upcoming events and the training plan, you can also subscribe to the calendar on your phone using the link provided
  • Grab exclusive merch available on the Stingers Shop at bargain basement prices!

July Swim Set

Total Time: 30min with rest

Total Distance: 1100m

Warm Up: 100 Free, 100 IM

Main Set: Continuous, no breaks between the sets of 2’s. 

2 x 25m, 30sec

2 x 50m, 1min

2 x 75m, 1:30min

2 x 100m, 2min

1x 200m, 4min (do 2 x 200m if you’ve got the grunt!)

Cool down: 200m


  • Adjust the times to suit you, but still aim to push yourself. Suggestions:

    • A bit easier: add 5 to 10s on the suggested times per 50m.

    • A bit harder: minus 5 to 10s on the suggested times per 50m or add 2 more distance intervals (e.g where it says 6x100m do 8 of them.)

    • 50m Pool: add 5sec per 50m

  • Send your team a selfie with you at the pool after your set! Be the fitspo to my DMs :) 

  • Splashproof and reuse the set - write it up with crayon (or pencil) on waxy baking paper, pat dry and keep in your bag for next time.


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