
Sydney Stingers


April Newsletter

Published Sat 01 Apr 2023

Whats coming Up:

Metro and INTRA Signup

Get your forms filled out for Winter METRO and INTRA by 17th April if you want to be considered for a team.

Boot Camp

We will be hosting our first Bootcamp for the year on 16th, 23rd and 30th April then the Bootylympics on 7th May. Sessions will be 4:30pm - 6:00pm at Gunyama. Caitlyn and Grace are looking for some helpers, please reach out to them if you can help. 

Back to Training

Take a break and enjoy the public holidays! Thursday night swim squad is still running and normal train schedule to start back up on 22nd April. 

Delfina Team Store Opening

Grab your Stinger Merch on 24th April at our Team Shop. We’ll be taking orders for 2 weeks. Get your kit ready for London!

Champ Mouth Guard Fittings

Get yourself fitted for a mouthguard during training at Ryde on Saturday 13th May.


Summer Season Awards

Join your teammates at The Burdekin Hotel on Saturday 13th May, 3:00pm - 6:00pm for some social drinks and celebrate the season that was. Please RSVP so we know your coming. 

Trivia Night - London Calling 

Our annual trivia night is back on 27th May, as we farewell our teams heading off to London. Tables of 4 to 12 people can be purchased at a discount or email trivia@sydneystingers.org.au for individual tickets. 

Stingers On Tour:

Keep an eye our for your teammates as Stinger set out for world domination! We'll be battling it out in the pool here:


I want to help out!

The club can’t exist without the generous efforts of our volunteers. If your looking to get more involved with us we are currently looking for help in these areas:

  • Social Events - help us run some social events outside of the pool! Please contact Tom or secretary@sydneystingers.org.au



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