Swifts Hockey Sign ON


Sat 04 Feb 2023 17:00 — 20:00
Briggs Road, Raceview Q 4305

Event information

This event has passed.


Swifts are excited to have you play in 2023, as you may or may not know we keep our fees as low as possible and have NOT made any increases in fees again this season.

Swifts will absorb the IHA fee increase for the 2023 season. Whilst keeping fees at a low cost we cannot pay bills without player’s fees being paid in a timely manner.

Below, you will see a fee breakdown and a non-negotiable fee structure for the 2023 season. If you would like a payment plan please contact Treasurer Lisa Shaw at swiftshockeyclub@outlook.com.

ALL  Players  must  be  registered  with  Hockey  QLD  to  be  able  to  take  the  field.  

Please go tohttps://www.revolutionise.com.au/swiftshockey/registration/and follow the prompts to register online.

Returning players click “Renew”. The  Hockey  Qld/Hockey  Australia  Registration  fee  is  payable  through  the  online  Swifts HQ  portal,  and MUST be  paid  prior  to  participating  in  any  fixtures.  

Swifts Hockey Club would ideally like to see payment of this fee by 1 March 2023, so that the appropriate club administration can be completed prior to the start of the fixtures.

The  $100  Senior/  $50  Sub  Senior/  $30  junior  sign-on  fee  is  payable  at  the  time  of  sign-on,  and  is expected to be paid in FULL by 1st April.

Players will NOT be permitted to participate in any fixtures until this fee is paid or have entered into a payment arrangement.



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