
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Registration for Summer 23_24 season is only open for Volunteers via the website.

ALL Players will be sent an email advising you of your registration category with a link to register through. If you have any questions please follow up with before completing the registration process.

SUMMER SEASON - September 2023  to April 2024

REGISTRATION additional information

1      Transferring Players

Register via link sent in your registration email as RevSports will pick up that returning members are not registering for the same Club as last season and will stop the registration process at this point.  RevSports then notifies the clubs and State body(s) and if necessary, Water Polo Australia that a transfer is required.  The registering member is notified by email of this, and they will be able to track where the process is at and who might be holding up the process.  Once all the approvals have been processed (which can take up to 5 business days), the registering member receives another email saying they are good to continue registering by using the link which is in the email generated by RevSports.  Importantly members should not recommence the registration process from the start as it will trigger another Transfer process.

2      Volunteers - [Referees, Coaches, Team Managers & Parents of Players ]

A:      Registrations are required for all Non-Playing Referees, Coaches and Team Managers . Select from the following categories:

          V0: Volunteer - Coach (Not a Player) - $ 44.98 WPNSW fee - for insurance and access to resources

          V1: Volunteer - Team Manager - $ Nil fee

          V2: Volunteer - Referee (Not a Player) - $ 44.98 WPNSW fee - for insurance and access to resources

If you are a referee who also is a player or a coach who also is a player then you need to register as a player - You will be able to register at a discounted registration fee rate. If you have not already been given a discount code please request one by emailing .

B:    Registrations are also requested for at least one parent of every Junior player player as they are required to participate on table duty during rostered games throughout the year - NOTE it is at no fee. This registration category includes insurance and Free Access to the E-Learning Table Officials Course. Select the following category:

          V3: Volunteer - Table Official - $Nil fee

3    Terms & Conditions

When registering you must scroll through the Terms & Conditions of WPAust, WPNSW and our Club and at the end click the checkbox to accept all the T&Cs.

4    Payment Processing Fees

All registration fees can only be paid by credit card (this is a requirement of WPA). We pass on the processing fees we are charged (2% + $1.60)

If you have any difficulties registering and/or paying then please email


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