Code of Conduct
SCWP Code of Conduct
1.1 Abide by the competition conditions and rules.
1.2 Never argue with the Referee’s decision.
1.3 Control your temper and your language – swearing is not acceptable.
1.4 Work equally hard for yourself and the team – the team’s performance will benefit and so will your own.
1.5 Be a good sport – encourage and support team mates.
1.6 Cooperate with your coach and team mates. Show respect for opponents and their skills.
1.7 Be friendly to all participants.
1.8 Smoking and/or the taking of non-prescribed drugs is strictly forbidden.
1.9 Drinking of alcoholic beverages for persons under the age of 18 is illegal and forbidden.
1.10 Entering licensed premises unless under the supervision of team officials is strictly forbidden.
2.1 Respect the privacy of others that you are sharing a room with.
2.2 Keep your own area tidy so that gear does not go missing.
2.3 Social activities other than those organised or approved by team managers are not permitted.
2.4 Phone calls made from hotel rooms must be paid for prior to checking out.
2.5 Be responsible – you are representing your family and your club.
2.6 Do not consume alcohol, smoke or take non-prescribed drugs.
Breach of this Code of Conduct and Behaviour will result in the player being banned from the remainder of the tournament, parents being notified, where applicable, and the player being sent home by the first available transport. Any additional expense incurred will be the responsibility of the player and/or their parents. Further Sunshine Coast Regional Waterpolo judiciary actions may also be imposed.