2023 Club Training Schedule - click here
Please note: Field Lights will automatically turn off 10 minutes after last session is completed. If teams need to train longer, then 24 hours notice is required. It is also the last training session team/club's responsibility to ensure the lights have been turned off and the front gate locked on exit.
SCHA would appreciate that all Club Management teams ensure that the following rules are adhered to. Please note that if players do not adhere to these rules then Management and SCHA staff reserve the right to disallow the offending player from entering the turf area. The SCHA expect the full support of club management, coaches and managers to adhere to these rules, as well as police, which are designed specifically to ensure a minimum of ten years wear on the new turf. Players who continue to ignore these processes will be subject to further penalty.
- Wash Trays - players MUST walk through the wash trays and not step around the edges. Grates are being installed so that players can't hop over. Turf has been laid on the wash tray exit so players can scrape their shoes on the way out.
- During weekly training sessions (unless Rep) there is no practising in the goal circle i.e. short corners, etc. This is to prolong the life of the turf.
- Jewellery - Please ensure that no player wears jewellery onto the field. No bobby pins.
- Chewing Gum & Food - NO FOOD or CHEWING GUM is allowed into the turf area, dugouts or tech bench.
There are no items to show.