
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

2024 Hockey Association fees


  WHA Fee Hockey SA Total
Senior Player $Awaiting price $149.00 $
Life Member $0 $149.00 $
Junior Player $Awaiting price $85.00 $
Hookin 2 Hockey $0 $41.00 $
WHA Membership $25.00 $0 $25

All Members will be required to completre an online resgistration for the 2024 season. Playing Members MUST complete this process prior to playing their first match.

Playing Members will be required to play a WHA fee and Hockey SA/Aust fee:

  1. Hockey SA/Aust: this fee MUST be paid online at time of registration with a credit card.

  2. WHA: this fee is paid directly to the club. Payment options include:

    1. Bank Transfer – please use your name as the reference.

       BSB: 325-185   /   Acc: 01902007
    2. Cash

    3. Cheque

Non-Playing Members will only incur a WHA membership fee only.

Should you require financial assistance or would like to arrange a payment plan, please contact Ben Izzard / Jaime Dunn (Treasurer).

Screenshots of payments to be sent to

Files available for download


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