
Stawell and Ararat Cross Country Club


Tess takes the win at the Gibson Race

Published Sun 21 Aug 2022

On Sunday SACCC took to the Ararat Hills to race the Peter Gibson 8km Handicap. All runners started on handicap times. Last week's winner Jane Stoneman was the front person to chase down. It wasn’t until the last kilometre where the back runners took control. Sue Blizzard took the lead over the front runners for a short time with Tess Thompson chasing her down in the last 500m winning the race. Sue came second and Matt Haddow came in Third.

Tess commented prior to the race ‘I’ve definitely improved over the year’, which put her as a favourite to win this race. Tess is a strong runner who is always cheering you on as she powers past. But the thing that put a massive smile on her face was the fact that she was the fastest runner on the day, 1.5 Seconds faster than her husband Mark, who’s normally the clubs fastest runner.

Peter Gibson’s grandson Max presented Tess with her winners Sash and prize money. The sash donned green and gold a reflection of the beautiful wattle out on course. This was the 8th running of the Peter Gibson handicap. The course earned a nod from all runners that it was a fantastic course. Thanks this week’s volunteers Julie and Nicki for time keeping and Peter and Mark for Track marking.

Next week, Sunday 28th, we meet at the bottom of One Tree Hill for the Gallagher Family 8km. Meet at 9.15am for the 9.45am Race start, all runners welcome to join us.



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