Squash Australia
A few common questions....

Following yesterday's season rollover, see below a few common questions that have been received from Clubs in the last 24 hours:

1. Where are my members and how can I locate them?

  • Members are archived with a rollover which makes their memberships inactive. This is done so they can renew their profiles into the new season, pay the new season’s registration fees and so on.
  • No data is lost with a rollover, but the members are now in your archives. You can, however, still both search for and report on members that are in your archive:


  • Members > search > tick include members not active this season > click search
  • Scroll below your current members to see your archived ones


  • Members > reporting > change Export seasonal data from to the previous season > tick Exclude members from the current season> click generate report

2. Can I update member details?

  • You can do this after running a search for your archived members by going to Members > search > tick include members not active this season > click search
  • Next, scroll down past your current members and locate the member in question, For each archived member, you will be able to:
    • View their profiles
    • Update their details
    • Look at each member’s history

3. How do I email members from the previous season?

  • This can be done via Members > email members > change seasons to the previous one > tick Exclude members from the current season > create the content and send the email

Remember you can also find further information on the Squash Australia website at: https://www.squashaus.com.au/mysquash 

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