
September Newsletter

Published Wed 20 Sep 2023

Hi all,

The new season is here and some of us have already started the club racing season.  It is not long before the T.T 1 at Callala Bay on the 30 September.  Details are on the website.  The regatta runs on Saturday and Sunday on beautiful Jervis Bay, so you can get home before the traffic on the Monday afternoon, or stay on to enjoy the south coast.  With a bit of luck you even get to sail with the dolphins! 

Entries are limited to 50 so please go online and register.  There will be no beach or postal entries.

NOR for Jervis Bay Long Weekend Regatta.  Entry via SailSys

Merv is once again kindly allowing Spiral sailors to camp on his property.  He has asked if people could please shower at the club as he is on tankwater and with the upcoming hot summer he needs to conserve the water he has.

WEBSITE.   There is heaps on the website so check it out regularly. 

MEMBERSHIP.   As mentioned in the last newsletter, it is time to renew your membership.  Like most things Spiral, it is cheap at $50 adult, $25 junior or $100 family. Membership registration

That is it for the moment.  Enjoy the season and try to attend the T.T.s to meet others of the Spiral Clan and show off our great boat to others. 

By the way there are now eleven going to the Master’s Games in Adelaide 10-12 October registrations close 2 October see Australia Masters Games Sailing. Those of us that went in 2018 has a great time so if you are over 30 years please join us.  If you have any questions about who is going or what is was like last time contact Renee Rawson

See you all out on the water!

Bill Jauncey.   Acting Publicity Officer.