
January Newsletter

Published Sat 14 Jan 2023

We trust the Spiral Clan had a relaxing Christmas and New Year and everyone is settling into 2023.

COMING EVENTS. The Balmoral TT on 21 January, then the Nationals on 26 to 28 January at Sunshine. See below.

TT6 at Balmoral SC A special opportunity to sail in the Sound

  • Pre-race briefing will be 12.45pm. Early arrival before 11:45, and a swim or a chat is recommended. Drive through park to drop of trailers at the sailing club.

  • Free parking in well up in Plunket Road, Coronation Ave, or a secret place in Amaroo Cres. Can ferry people from parking back to the club.

  • Visitors fee of $10 by cash or CC by choosing ‘Visitors Fee’ on the tablet in the foyer. The sign on and off forms (links) are on the BSC website home

  • No lunch available, but drinks, chocolates, beer and wine can be purchased through the tablet in the foyer.

  • Free sausage sizzle post-race. We have booked in. All visitors are very welcome.


    Thursday to Saturday, 26th - 28th January so you can beat the traffic home! NOR and Registration are on the website (scroll down on the Home Page).

    Camping is available for $35 per site, duration of the Championship. For bookings, contact Grae Baker.

    Spiral AGM and a catered meal will be on the Friday night, 27th. The Spiral Association is subsidising the highly commended catered meal of roast beef and pork, with accompaniments, for all those attending the AGM. Cost of the meal is only $15 cash per person ($35.00 per person if not attending the AGM). Please bring cash – that’s the coloured poly notes you might remember from some time back. Looking for a good roll-up to the Spiral AGM. AGM details will be emailed to entrants.

    As notified in past newsletters there will be motions to accept the updated Class Restrictions, and we need a new President, Webmaster and Auditor. Please consider joining our committee – it is part of what makes our class strong. Our meetings are monthly by Zoom. We also love to have general committee members so this is your chance to have your say and support our class.

    If you are wanting to share a rented accommodation, please let people know or contact Grahame Tindall.

    PERPETUAL TROPHY RETURN. If you are lucky enough to hold a perpetual trophy for

    the Nationals, can you please make arrangements to return it by the presentation on 28 January, 2023.

T.T. PROGRESSIVE RESULTS are on the website. Keep checking it for all the Spiral news.

AUSTRALIAN MASTERS GAMES. As previously mentioned, they are in Adelaide again. Seven Spirals went in 2018 and had a great time. Chat to your friends at the Nationals or at your

club, about doing it again. 10-12 October 2023. Here is the link if anyone is interested Sailing At Australian Masters Games

OLDER SPIRALS FOR SALE. There are some older affordable Spirals on the website so if

you have friends who are interested in Spiral sailing, you could draw their attention to those boats. If you know of a Spiral that has not been sailing for a long while firstly suggest the owner starts sailing it again, and failing that, suggest they sell it.

Bill Jauncey. Acting Publicity Officer.