
February Newsletter

Published Thu 09 Feb 2023



SUNSHINE THIS WEEKEND! Yes, it is this weekend at a great venue and forecast, so if you can get there, lucky you!! TT7 is the race on Saturday at 1330.

I cannot think of any better way to spend the weekend, particularly after the great Nationals.

Link to Sunshine Regatta NOR. Registration at 1100, Saturday, February 12.

Then on the 12th March there is….

SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS T.T. is TT8 in Sunday, March 12. More details as we get closer. It is an interesting and enjoyable venue, between Sydney and Canberra and easily accessible.

NATIONALS REPORT. What a buzz! This was one of the best Nationals I have done. The sailing was great, as was the venue, the courses, the club and the food! Not to mention the enjoyment of getting together with so many friends from other clubs.

The racing was really tight as evidenced by having four different heat winners of the nine heats. For those like me who never got to mix it at the sharp end it was still so competitive even in the third and fourth quartiles of the fleet. The breezes were medium to reasonably strong but never out of control, at least most of the time, though some of us wished we had gone for the 5.6!

Congratulations to Chris Eddes who had to fight hard to win the Open Division, and to all the other winners.

On the Thursday we went to Bonnells Bay pub for the evening meal and following the AGM on the Friday we all enjoyed a wonderful evening meal for $15. It was so good. Overall, I think all of us who went were the winners.

Check the website for full results of the Nationals and Progressive TT Results.

Bill Jauncey.