

Published Tue 16 Nov 2021


This is not a big newsletter but it is a BIG month! See below.

NSW STATE TITLES at Oak Flats on the 27th – 28th.  The last Nationals there were voted a big success by all who came so it should be an excellent event.  NOR and Registration available on the website.

Oak Flats Sailing Club are being brilliant hosts again.

Accommodation along the coast is almost unavailable.  However, Oak Flats S.C. have reserved the reserve around the club for camping on Friday and Saturday nights.  Cost will be $20 per camp site per night.

The Oak Flats S.C. will be hosting a generous spit roast dinner on Saturday night at the club, at a nominal price.   The club will also offer a bacon and eggs breakfast on Sunday morning.  Early bookings for dinner and breakfast is appreciated so no-one misses out.

Please advise Grae Baker at if you would like to book a campsite, book for dinner, and/or order breakfast.

CRSC MARATHON.  Sailed on Saturday 30 October, the last weekend of the lockdown for regions outside of Greater Sydney. This race was Heat 2 of the Travellers trophy Series.  The first time the CRSC Marathon has been part of the series.  And enjoyed by 24 starters.  The course for Spirals was from Kissing Point down river, around Spectacle and Snapper Islands near Cockatoo Island, then back to Kissing Point.  The wind was from the ESE, with moderate gusts and shifts just to keep us awake during the 2hour+ race.  Despite the length of race Peter Newman, Grae Baker and Grahame Tindall finished within 7 seconds.  Congratulations to Renee Rawson winning on handicap, followed by Peter Bates.  Those in regions unable to attend will get average points for this heat based on the results from their other races in the series.

ACT DINGHY TITLES REPORT.  The first race was Heat 3 of the Traveller’s Trophy Series on Saturday 13th and nine Spirals entered despite the forecast of rain and freezing conditions (blizzards forecast in the Alps!)  The breeze was light and shifty, and the rain held off for the first two races.  Special recognition to Luke Franklin who won the TT heat, and Tegan Franklin who sailed a full rig and was competitive every race.  Sunday dawned dry but with a rising wind which was also lazy (goes right through you rather than around you,) and freezing.  Only Tim and Grae were game, or crazy enough to venture out and handled the conditions well while the rest of us got out of the wind to watch the carnage among the Sharpies, some Lasers and Aeros. Congratulations to the podium winners Tim, Grae and Bill in both the Spiral Class and Division 3 (Yardstick 117 to 127).

HULL WEIGHTING.  Our hull weight stickers have a used by date and that is long past, so this Saturday the 20th there will be hull weighing at CRSC from 10.00 and other measuring if needed, particularly new spars.  So set the date to arrive early.

This was in the last newsletter.  “RULE CHANGE.  Notice is hereby given that there will be a proposal at the AGM in January for spar diameters to be listed in imperial as well as metric as we may have to source some spars measured in imperial.  “This involves a lower mast section diameter up to 2”/50.8 mm.” If you have questions about this please talk to a committee member. Details at the AGM at the Nationals in Canberra, 22-25 January, 2022.

PERPETUAL TROPHIES RETURNS.  If you are lucky enough to have a Perpetual Trophy from the NSW State Championship, please return it to Grae as soon as you can.

See you at the States!   Bill Jauncey.  ACTING Publicity Officer.  0457 387 244.