

Published Mon 22 Mar 2021


It has certainly been a busy month so far with the second weekend of the Nationals (see the report below) and the monthly committee meeting.


After the cancellation of the Nationals in Canberra due to Covid 19, there were suggestions we should go the way of some other classes and cancel the Nationals for this year.  Fortunately, thanks to Oak Flats Sailing Club and the work of our Committee, particularly Grae Baker and Lothar Wilkins of O.F.S.C., the Nationals went ahead over two weekends at O.F.S.C. and safe to say the well over thirty who participated were glad we did!

The first day of teams racing went really well following some coaching from Chris Eddes and Shane Conly.  I hope the juniors learned something from that as I certainly did.  Following the success of the teams racing there is talk of incorporating it into a future Traveller’s Trophy (T.T.)

Day one of the Nationals was in light winds, much to the delight of light weather sailors, and Chris Eddies grabbed first in all three heats.  The following weekend produced more wind, particularly on the final day, but Chris still reigned supreme, only being knocked off first place once by Shane.  However right through the fleet the competition was super keen.  All the results are on the website and congratulations to all the winners.

The A.G.M. preceded an excellent meal put on by the Club, including some exotic Asian dishes!  And there was plenty of food including large fruit platters.  There was so much left over we could buy a take away container of food after the presentation to take home and microwave for an easy and tasty evening meal.  How good was that!


Next year Australia Day falls on the Wednesday so the Nationals at the YMSC Canberra will be on the preceding weekend starting Friday the 21st and running Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of January 2022.  Non sailing partners and friends can find plenty to do in the National Capital.


There will possibly be measuring done at the Callala Bay regatta in the October long weekend.  More details over winter.


The next event will be on Sunday 28th of this month (March) at the Southern Highlands Sailing Club near Fitzroy Falls with the first race start scheduled for 13.00 and the second race 14.30.  That’s 1pm and 2.30pm for those mathematically challenged.   Then it is Chipping Norton on Saturday 17th April and the BYRA Peter Loft  Marathon Sunday 2nd May.  Details are on the website.


We plan to do another run of the Red Spiral Sailing tops. These have proved to be very popular and do not feature any date or regatta. Please contact Renee with your size and male/female cut to place an order.  Mob 0402188711 Price will be around $25 and you get to promote the class which is good for all of us.

WINTER SAILING.  Please advise me or a committee member if your club will have a Winter Series.

Bill Jauncey.   0457 387 244