
2021 July Newsletter

Published Sat 11 Sep 2021


Hello to all our members in lockdown.  At least we can use the time to do some maintenance; not that Spirals need much.  To begin the news there are a few items from the last Committee meeting.

MEMBERSHIP FEES.  These will stay the same:  $50 for adults and $25 for juniors, and notices will be sent soon.  Your committee is aware of the inflation concerns of the US Fed and the RBA, so we have made the decision not to increase rates to ensure world inflation is nipped in the bud.

RED SPIRAL POLO NECK SHIRTS FOR SALE.  Yes, and for just $25.  Numbers are limited so contact Treasurer Renee on         if you want one.  She will need your size.  Wear it with pride as it promotes sailing and our Spiral class.  These tops do not have a specific regatta or date on them.

THE ‘NEVER ENDING SPIRAL BOOK 2’  It is some years since David Loring produced his excellent comprehensive book about the Spiral, and he has undertaken to produce a follow up book covering more than the last decade or more.  If you have items of interest for the book please contact David or one of our committee.

NEW AND USED BOATS.  The first of the new boats has come out of the mould and it looks great, and after Mark returns from the Olympics and isolation, there will be more.  This means there will be some good used boats appearing on the website so if you know someone who wants to get into sailing or switch to a better class, tell them to start checking the website over the next few months, or even now as there are already some in the used section which may be accessible even in lockdown.  For beginners, what other class offers three sail sizes and hulls that are competitive for decades?  You can sail it yourself and use a smaller rig to get your children or grandchildren into sailing, all on the one hull.  How good is that!

WINTER SAILING.   We were lucky to get some sailing in before lockdowns, but now, at the time of writing with all the state in lockdown and Gladys asking us not to travel or leave the house, all the winter sailing is over for the moment.   Callala had some excellent organised and casual Saturday afternoons and we hope it can all get going again if at least some lockdowns end.  Who knows?

WEBSITE.  Keep checking the website for heaps of good information.  Grae is putting together the Spiral Program for 2021 -2022, lockdowns allowing, and when he has a draft version that will get on the website.


Bill Jauncey.  Acting Publicity Officer.   0457 387 244