
2021 April Newsletter

Published Mon 26 Apr 2021



This is the final Traveller’s Trophy of the season and the start is at 12 noon. , their website, has the details. Be aware, you need to enter online before the day. We will honour Shane Navin by flying a black ribbon from our boom (Wendy has a supply).  After the marathon, in past years we have enjoyed a pleasant conclusion to the season with eats and a chat on the poop deck of the club, so make it a date if you can.  


Almost a dozen Spirals made their way to this peaceful, blue bottle shaped body of water (about 50 hectares in size) in the upper reaches of the Georges River. The streams feeding this river first rise south of Campbelltown and the lake’s swollen dimensions are the result of years of sand mining in this area in the 1950’s. As part of the environmental rehabilitation of the site, it was decided to flood the mines in the 1970’s to create the lake we used today. 


(Of course, two and a bit centuries ago Bass, Flinders and young William Martin sailed and rowed these waters on a nine day journey of exploration from Sydney town. Three men in their 2.5 m open boat ‘Tom Thumb’ had to first get to Botany Bay by sailing in the open ocean!) 


The club uses the ground floor of the Chipping Norton Recreation Centre adjacent to the Grand Flaneur Beach (French for a ‘beach suited to strolling along’). And when we arrived a ‘stroll’ seemed like the ideal thing as not a breath of wind made it look unlikely that any sailing would take place! However, the race committee felt sure enough wind would arrive for at least one lap of the lake and so after a paddle to the start line we started in 1 to 2 knots of breeze at around 14:35.


So began an exercise in the gentle art of sailing in (very) light airs! The compactness of the lake and the absence of any signs of suburbia gave the experience an ethereal almost sureal feeling. Our Spirals were virtually the only boats on the lake so the water was as smooth as a mill pond; whatever speed you could conjure was not disturbed by wake or wash. Once begun, the race felt like a fusion between thai chi, meditation, mime and yoga. Whilst finding pressure and guessing the  favoured side remained important, keeping the boat going forward was probably the key tactic. In keeping with the day, even those given to a bit of sledging did so in hushed tones!


Many of the fleet had a bit of a turn in the lead bunch however Bill Jauncey, Pete Eslick and Grae Baker managed to remain up the front throughout. Grae ended up winning the day followed by Pete and Bill. 


Big thanks to everyone at Chipping Norton Lake Sailing Club for running the racing and making us feel welcome. Definitely a venue to add to your list of places to sail next year. Perhaps with a smidge bit more wind.  (GT, 905)



 Jervis Bay Sailing Club is sailing right up to, and including the first Saturday in June then the first Saturday in each month through winter.  Details are on their website.  Start time 13:30 HRS. It is also likely they will continue the unofficial non club sailing over the rest of the winter on nice days as they did last year.  Rabbit (gate) starts, sailing around existing marks, no rescue boat and no recording of results.  Just an organised cruise in company!  Merve and I send an SMS on Fridays if the Saturday looks good so SMS me if you want to be involved.  0457 387 244.  Please let me know of other winter sailing for the newsletter. 

Dobroyd Aquatic Club have a four race series planned sailing the first Saturday of each month beginning this Saturday the 1st of May. Several short races as in the past. Greg Shore is very happy to have the Spirals along again. Registration from 11:00, briefing around 12:30 and first start 13:30. Entry fee is $10 for the whole series!

Hunters Hill Sailing Club have a three race ‘Pleasant Sunday Morning’ winter race series over three Sundays starting this Sunday. See the website at Given the name of Grahame Tindall’s boat, he may need to turn up!   

Bill Jauncey.   Acting Publicity Officer.