
2020 June Newsletter

Published Thu 11 Jun 2020

What a season, for good reasons and not good reasons. At least most of it was good with a successful National titles at Saratoga, tailor made for those of us who like light weather, then the States at Callala Bay for those liking a solid breeze.  The 4.5 ‘V’ rig went from strength to strength with the 4.5 Nationals held in adverse weather but with more than one club represented.  Congratulations to all the winners in the Nationals and States but I think we were all winners for the sailing fun and camaraderie we had.


The Traveller’s Trophy went well despite interruptions for some competitors with bush fires keeping some away, but the finish of the series was not what we imagined with an algal bloom at Fitzroy Falls closing sailing there for the rest of the season, then COVID-19 ending the season for the rest of us and axing the excellent Peter Loft Marathon at B.Y.R.A.  That means the progressive results on the website to the end of Heat eight will become the final results for the 2019/2020 season when the appropriate drops are factored in. 

Congratulations to Tim Vandervoort on a standout performance in an unusual season of drought, bushfires, floods and an epidemic. 

Tim made a flying start with a win at the Jervis Bay LWE, followed by a good performance at the Australian Masters in Adelaide.  He won a heat at the Nationals and the Masters Division.  Tim's committed consistency resulted in him being the only sailor to sail every possible Travellers Trophy heat in the season, picking up 2 bonus points and finally the winning both the Scratch and Handicap 2019-2020 Travellers Trophy series.

There are others who deserve special recognition.  David Bennet gained second place in both scratch and handicap for sailing 5 heats and winning the heat at Teralba.  Renee Rawson sailed all but one of the heats, picking up one bonus point and third place on handicap.  Gerard Mali also sailed 5 of the 7 heats, placing 6th, 5th, 3rd and finally 1st on handicap, to be fourth overall on handicap, and showing a consistent trend of sailing better and better.

Only the results of participants who sailed three of more heats were included in the final results, which made some very close final results. 

Another great Travellers programmed is planned for next season, so plan to travel and sail better.  Placings below, click on the link to see full results on our website 

TT Scratch Placings:






1 884 Sirocco Tim Vandervoort SHSC
2 907 Top Gear  David Bennett CRSC
3 906 Gets the Job Done Grae Baker CRSC
4 888 Cheng Nuo Henry Zylmans BYRA
5 807 Twist & Shout 5 Bill Jauncey NSC
6 854 Just Cruising Christine Carew CRSC
7 853 Kaytee3 David Ginty JBSC
8 850 Enigma Renee Rawson CRSC
9 851 Moonlight Gerard Mali JBSC
10 902 So you Think 90210 Peter Eslick CRSC
11 878 Dynamite Merv Lotze JBSC
12 886 Aeolian Geoff Nash CRSC

TT Handicap Placings:

1 884 Sirocco Tim Vandervoort SHSC
2 907 Top Gear David Bennet CRSC
3 850 Enigma Renee Rawson CRSC
4 851 Moonlight Gerard Mali JBSC
5 854 Just Cruising Christine Carew CRSC
6 906 Gets the Job Done Grae Baker CRSC
7 807 Twist & Shout 5 Bill Jauncey NSC
8 853 Kaytee 3 David Ginty JBSC
9 888 Cheng Nuo Henry Zylmans BYRA
10 886 Aeolian Geoff Nash CRSC
11 902 So you Think 90210 Peter Eslick CRSC
12 878 Dynamite Merv Lotze JBSC



The last three  Committee meetings were  Zoom meetings  which worked well, so for the foreseeable future all the meetings will be on the Zoom platform and this will continue for those not able to get to the restarted physical meetings ‘on the other side’ meaning those in regional areas will be able to be on the committee without the travelling!  So come on those of us living away from the Big Smoke, you can now be a real part of the Association.  You can be a committee member or have one of the defined committee positions.  You can even have your cheese, biscuits, chocolate and wine at home during the meeting!  Positions needing to be filled include President, Social Media Publicity   -  Have a think about it. - the sailors will help out with writing the wrap up of events if you can't be there.


Grae is progressing with the planning for next season and filling in gaps as clubs make their dates of regatta decisions.  The big change is a trial of the States being before the Nationals and combining the States with a club regatta which reduces the chance of a financial loss for the Association, shows off the Spiral to other classes in a major regatta, and brings us into line with most other associations in having the States as a lead up to the Nationals.  The States are slotted for the Manning Point Regatta over the weekend of 21-22 November, 2020.  The Nationals are slotted in 23-25 January at the Y.M.C.A. Sailing Club in Canberra. More details will come over winter.


Your Committee has also discussed running the very successful coaching program in August.  All those on the committee, including those of us who have been sailing decades, said how good they had found the sessions – excellent for those who are just starting sailing as well as seasoned veterans.  More details will come soon as the program firms up.


There is strictly not club sailing Saturdays at Callala Bay starting around 13.00 – gate starts, three or four races, no results recorded and strict physical distancing.  If you want to sail text me your mobile number so I can put you on the group SMS saying if it is on or not.  0457 387 244.  


The demand for older Spirals continues so again if you know of one that is gathering dust under a house or in a shed, please encourage the owner to put it on the website and sell it.

At the meeting our measurer Henry noted that batten positions on a 5.6 sail that had been cut down were outside the allowances on our measurement form.  This is quite likely when a very stretched full size sail is recut.  More research will be done on this during winter.  

Keep up to date by watching the website.

Of course next season depends on where Australia is with COVID 19, so let’s all cross our fingers that we are not like our friends in Italy, Spain, U.K, and the U.S.A. are at the moment.  Meanwhile winter is the chance to do some maintenance, particularly if the snow season starts late which would disappoint a lot of us.  Hopefully I will see you at the October Long Weekend regatta at Callala Bay 3-4 October, 2020.

Bill Jauncey

 Acting Publicity Officer,      If you have any news for the newsletter please email me.