
Latest SPASC News

Published Sat 15 Jun 2024

Speers Point Amateur Sailing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 28 July, 2:00pm, at SPASC Clubhouse.  This is an important opportunity to not only elect our office bearers for 2024/25 but also provide an overview of our achievements, discuss new initiatives we plan to implement, together with some challenges Speers Point Amateur Sailing Club face.

It's a great opportunity to catch up with fellow members, and it is the time we set our Club up for the new sailing season, elect office-bearers, discuss sailing program, fees, and the like.  Have your say!

We encourage you to consider nominating for a SPASC Committee position and I have enclosed our Office Bearers for 2023/24, together with details of the respective roles and responsibilities of these positions HERE, for you information.  Please bring your nomination to the meeting.

At our 2023 AGM the following SPASC 2023/24 Executive Committee members were appointed:
* President - Bill Gearing
* Senior Vice President - Gary Powell
* Junior Vice President - Nick Powell
* Secretary - Bill Sharland
* Treasurer - Bruce Gunn
* Race Secretary - Paul Delaney
* Junior Sailing Manager - Andy Clark
* Registrar / revSPORT - Dale Sims
* Clubhouse Manager - Hal Dobbins
* Discover Sailing Centre Principal - Bill Sharland

SPASC's Strategic Plan for 2022/27 was also approved by members