Southbank Strikers Hockey Club Inc


Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Season 2024

The Southbank Strikers (Storm) Hockey Club welcomes returning members, players and new visitors to our National and State bodies' registration page. This registration page is for Storm players to register with Hockey Australia (HA), Hockey Queensland (HQ) and for Player Insurance.

This year we are again fielding a team in MHL5.

Registration Process

Registering to play Hockey in Brisbane involves a two (2) step process.

1. HQ & HA registration and Insurance - use the link on this page, you will be requested to make an online payment to cover these.

2. Club registration - contact Col via and ask to register or phone him on 0428 792 455.

Step 1 - Registering with HA/HQ/Ins

ALL players must register in revSPORT. In the 'Registrations' page, tap one of the butons at the bottom of this page. You have two choices:

  • Tap on the 'RETURNING MEMBER' button if you have previously played hockey AND been registered in revSPORT and follow the prompts; or
  • tap on the 'NEW MEMBER' button if you have never been registered in revSPORT before, and follow the prompts.

Step 2 - Registering with your Club

Contact Col Shepperd or Wayne McPhee if in doubt about any of this. Once you have been advised of the Club fees and the amount you have to pay you can make your payment. The fees collected by the Club cover your Club membership fee, match fees and BHA registration fee.

If using Direct Deposit, the Club's bank details are: BSB 084209, Account number 635909138. Make certain to include your name in the transaction and email a copy of your receipt to Col or Wayne.

Registering with more than One Club/Association

This is additional information for players who play in two (2) different associations (e.g. Primary Gold Coast/Burleigh and Secondary BHA/Storm) OR play for two (2) different clubs within the BHA competitions (e.g. MHL/Storm and CHL/Valley). To ensure you do not pay the HQ/HA/Ins fee twice:

1. Register with HA/HQ/Ins using the portal provided by your Primary Club first - tap the RETURNING MEMBER or the NEW MEMBER button, whichever applies to you.

2. Register again with HA/HQ/Ins using the portal provided by your Secondary Club - this time tap the RETURNING MEMBER button and choose the Secondary Dual 2023 payment class. This will automatically take off the HQ/HA fee so that you are not asked to pay it again.

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