South Adelaide Junior Programs Term 1 2025(ages 10-17)

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$140.00 all sessions

Welcome to South Adelaide junior squash programs Term 1 2025.

Perfect for beginners and Intermediate players.

We will be running 3 junior squash group programs a week, some of the areas we will be focusing on:
- Having fun while playing squash and other games on the court.
- Squash technique and Skill
- Serving and returning the ball
- Matchplay and drill work
- Squash specific fitness training
- Marking and Refereeing Recording results and discussing Squash goals
- Improving squash ranking or establishing a new ranking for beginners

What will offer in our programs:
- First session FREE for new juniors
- 2 FREE weeks of squash coaching during the School Holidays
- Sports Vouchers are accepted
- Eyewear and racquets can be borrowed for the sessions.
- Juniors can attend all 3 programs a week or just one.
- Junior Program T-Shirts from $20, Juniors need to have played a tournament to be eligible
- Accredited Squash coach Jay Molloy will be running the programs
- All volunteers have a working with children's clearance WWCC
- A fun friendly environment for beginners- Advanced Juniors
- Programs we offer to juniors aged from 10 -17.

Junior Session times & days:
Mondays 4pm-530pm
Thursday 430pm-6pm
Saturday 11am-12:30pm

$140 a term

Address: 2A Midera Avenue, Edwardstown

Any questions please hesitate to ask Jay Molloy via email at


50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available
50 spots available


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