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Softball WA History
Softball WA History
Softball WA History Introduction Chapter 1 - Origins Chapter 2 - Governance Chapter 3 - Women's Club Competition Chapter 4 - State Championships Chapter 5 - Men's Softball Chapter 6 - State Softball League Chapter 7 - Veterans Softball Chapter 8 - Nationals 1949-1969 Chapter 9 - Nationals 1970-1983 Chapter 10 - Nationals 1984- Chapter 11 - WA Women Since 1984 Chapter 12 - WA Men Since 1984 Chapter 13 - Umpiring Chapter 14 - Coach Education Chapter 15 - Coaching Potential Reps Chapter 16 - Development Chapter 17 - Scoring Chapter 18 - A Home of Our Own Chapter 19 - Awards Chapter 20 - Life Members Chapter 21 - Appendix 1A Women 49-03 Chapter 22 - Appendix 1B Women 04-08 Chapter 23 - Appendix 1C Women 09-11 Chapter 24 - Appendix 2 WA Placings Chapter 25 - Appendix 3 National Championships Chapter 26 - Appendix 4 Men Chapter 27 - Appendix 5 Name Changes Chapter 28 - Intro Acknowledge and Notes Chapter 29 - Trophy Winners - Women Chapter 30 - Trophy Winners - Men Chapter 31 - Trophy Winners - Juniors Chapter 32 - Trophy Winners - WA at Nationals Chapter 33 - State Team Photos Chapter 34 - Newspaper Cuttings Chapter 35 - List of Clubs All Time
Our umpiring program continues to be a core part of the Softball Australia landscape. Our program is involved at all levels of softball from the local grassroots through to the most elite international competitions.
Umpires have endless opportunities in softball and with the support of the leaders at local, state and national levels, umpires can achieve great success and have lots of fun and great memories within our sport.
Today’s new age Umpire requires a unique set of skills to officiate at all levels of our great game. As an umpire, you must be able to demonstrate great rules knowledge, quick decision-making, and ability to explain and defend decisions and a willingness to keep the game moving at a steady pace.
Umpires are in a position that requires you to be impartial at all times and be seen to have a positive impact and be a good role model to children, young adults, players, coaches, spectators and administrators.
The National Umpiring Committee is structured with 4 Key Focus Areas, information on each is found on this site:
- Communications
- Development
- Operations
- Technical.
On our website, you will find lots of information to help you become an umpire, advance your accreditation and stay connected with Blues News.
Umpiring Tips
#1 What is a Challengable Call?
Any call that is made by the application of judgement of the umpire cannot be challenged. This includes, for example, whether a pitch is a ball or a strike, whether a batted ball is fair or foul or whether runner is safe or out on any force play to a base or in a tag play. That said, coaches need to be aware, that the umpire making the call may be in the wrong position or have their view obstructed by a fielder or the runner. In this case, the coach can ask whether the umpire was in the best position to make the call or whether another umpire was in a better position. This enables the umpire making the call to seek advice from their fellow umpires.
Where the umpire seeking advice obtains information that may require their call to be changed, it is the sole decision of the umpire that made the call and not any other umpire, to make that change. It must be remembered that no umpire (whether a 'Blue' or not) has the power to overrule any other umpire on the field (this includes 'club' umpires).
When making a challenge, know that umpires are fallible and do not make calls for reasons of bias. Remaining calm, composed and showing respect to the umpire will ensure that the correct call is obtained.
For more information please contact our State Umpiring Director - Dale Kaimonana sdu@softballwa.org.au
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