2024 Umpire Training Courses - for New & Level 1 Umpires


Mon 09 Sep 2024 18:45 — Mon 30 Sep 2024 21:00
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Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
2024 Umpire Training Courses for New Umpires and those with a Level One Accreditation
Training Course One - Greenshirt Training Course
On Three Consecutive Mondays - September 9, 16 and 23 
Course 1 is designed for:
1.       All potential new umpires for the forthcoming season;
2.       Any existing umpire that has not yet achieved their Level One accreditation to get the benefit of a refresher;
3.       For anyone who would like a better understanding of the basic rules of Softball.
Training Course Two - For Existing Level 1 Umpires
On Three Consecutive Mondays - September 16, 23 & 30
Course 2 is designed for:
1.       All umpires with a current Level 1 accreditation
2.       Any Level 2 umpire that would like to participate as a revision
3.       For anyone who would like a better understanding of the rules of Softball
Theory and practical training - Clubrooms, Diamond and Indoor Training Facility at West Beach.
Arrive 6.45pm
Training 7.00pm - 9.00pm
  • Monday 9 September - Course 1 ONLY
  • Monday 16 September - Course 1 & 2
  • Monday 23 September - Course 1 & 2
  • Monday 30 September - Course 2 ONLY
More details to follow via email from Steve Wallace-Yarrow, Umpire in Chief.

Training will be conducted primarily by Ian Gray and Peter Fairley. If you require further information, please feel free to contact Ian Gray ian.gray4@gmail.com 0409 900 760 or Steve Wallace-Yarrow stevewy53@gmail.com 0432 223 422.


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