
Beach Fitness
Get fitter and stronger on the beach with stretching, walking, resistance training and other exercises.
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Beach Surf Sports
Modified surf sports on the beach including flags, sprints, relays, tug of war and more
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Catching Waves
Catch waves including body surfing, body boarding, and any other appropriate method e.g. rescue board.
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Chair Aerobics
Increase your range of movement, muscle tone, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and social connections through movements to music from the comfort of a chair.
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Club Volunteering
Lend a hand at the Surf Life Saving Club by sharing your interests & expertise e.g. typing, fixing things, mentoring younger people, working the BBQ etc.
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Education Course e.g. Coach, Trainer, Surf Sport Official, Nippers Age Manager, Boat License
Participate in an education course designed to increase your knowledge and skills to be a Coach, Trainer, Surf Sports Official, Nippers Age Manager, or other club-relevant role.
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First Aid
Learn how to do First Aid, as part of an accredited or non-accredited workshop so you can support others at home, at the beach or anywhere in between!
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Gentle Pool Exercises
Low-impact exercises in the pool such as walking, stretching and modified aqua aerobics.
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Guest Speaker Program
Guest speakers will share guidance about being happy and healthy as well as talks on surf and coastal education and awareness. Formerly called "Wisdom & Wellbeing" program.
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History & Horizons
Relax, enjoy the sea air, and gaze into the horizon while learning about surf life saving history and local history including indigenous history and stories.
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Learn about lifesaving including a tour of the patrol areas, beach safety knowledge, surf skills, radio operator skills and more.
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Pool Rescues
Learn how to do modified pool rescue techniques including rope throw and pull, mannequin tow rescue etc.
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Pool Swim Club
Join a Pool Swim Club to increase your cardio-vascular endurance, strength and flexibility.
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Silver Salties Multi
Enjoy a range a activities in a single session or across different sessions.
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Social Club
Join a Silver Salties Social Club for a fun, physical activity on the beach e.g. bocce, kites, cricket, sand darts, stone skimming, frisbee, followed by a social event e.g. BBQ.
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Surf Rescues
Learn how to do a Tube Rescue (simulation/ scenarios), how to paddle on a board and do a Board Rescue (simulation/ scenarios) etc.
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Surf Skills & Awareness
Learn about beach conditions, how to be a more confident surf swimmer including how to: read surf conditions, do entries and exits, wade in the water, body surf and swim in the ocean, and how to help others.
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Surf Swim Group
Join the Silver Salties Surf Swimming Club and gain confidence to be a competent ocean swimmer
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Surf Swimming
Learn how to be a more confident surf swimmer including how to: read surf conditions, do entries and exits, wade in the water, body surf and swim in the ocean.
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Swimming Skills
Learn how to enter and exit a pool safely, floating techniques, how to move safely in the pool and how to do a range of swim strokes.
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Tai Chi & Meditation
Get fitter, improve balance and learn about meditation with Tai Chi - an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defence training and health benefits.
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Walk & Talk
Join a Silver Salties Walk and Talk group to do coastal walks and meet new people
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Wisdom & Wellbeing
Guest speakers will share guidance about being happy and healthy as well as talks on surf and coastal education and awareness
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Yoga & Mindfulness
Develop mindfulness, strength and flexibility using gentle yoga poses and stretches.
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