
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Melbourne Softball is now linked to the national softball database. The system requires all participants to register prior to participating for their first time each year (the year being July to June), and such registration will not be accepted without payment of the National Membership fee. 

Anyone playing summer softball in another competition and or have played in the immediate past Melbourne Metro League winter competition must be registered ith their home association and obtain a permit to participate in Slowpitch.

The system will issue every individual a unique identification number (SOFTBALL ID) and you will need to use this number at the time of any future involvement in softball of any sort anywhere in Australia.  This number will remain the same and does not change from year to year so make note of it for future reference. 

  • If you are an individual new to our sport and have never participated in any softball competition anywhere in Australia (other than school events) select 'NEW MEMBER' below and when prompted to select a team, choose 'PLAYER LOOKING FOR A TEAM' from the drop-down menu.
  • If you are an individual who has previously participated, select 'RETURNING MEMBER' and if you are currently a member of a team, choose that team from the drop-down menu. If you don't currently belong to a team, choose 'PLAYER LOOKING FOR A TEAM'. This applies to all players & club/team officials.
  • IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR TEAM IN THE DROPDOWN, IT IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT FILLED IN A TEAM ENTRY FORM. If you already have a team you wish to play for DO NOT REGISTER AS A PLAYER LOOKING FOR A TEAM, wait until your team is registered.
  • If you are a non-playing umpire, choose UMPIRE from the drop-down menu.
  • If you are a non-playing individual interested in getting involved, as a League Manager or other please choose VOLUNTEER

You will then be presented with a series of payment categories, please read the descriptions carefully and choose the most appropriate category

If you experience any difficulties with this process or can not register please email detailing the issue/s you experienced, attaching screenshots if relevant.


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