
TERM 3 Learn To Skate - Update

Published Sat 22 Jul 2023



Hello & Welcome to all our Learn to Skate Families ...

Firstly, I would like to personally thank you all for your support & considerations throughout this transitional process. This has, and continues to be, quite a time-consuming learning process, with many challenging facets to the program. I will continue to work on making things run online as much as possible, for an ease of access for everyone involved. I am working towards a complete online experience, for all information, registrations, payments, and updates.

Please remember that this is a volunteer run CLUB & program. I work during the day, then deliver 8 sessions a week for our roller-skating club. ( 4 LEARN-TO-SKATE, 2 ALL-AGES, 2 ADULTS-ONLY ), as well as juggle my family.

You may or may not be aware that the previous management didn’t make this transition an easy one, for us or the new management. We are all doing everything possible to get things running smoothly. Although the centre will gladly take your calls about skating, they will refer you straight to us as they don’t have access to our program’s details moving forward. When needing to contact us, you may email the club on or txt Mel on 0410 901 094, where I will get back to you within 24hrs. (emergency contact, please call and leave a voicemail so I can respond accordingly .)

This may be a lengthy update as lots has been happening, with some of you unaware of all that has been involved, factoring in that I don’t wish to bombard my skate families with lots of emails. So I will try my best to cover all that is needed for now to get our families familiar with the stages moving forward to getting their avid little skaters rolling into Term 3 next week and beyond

I am mindful that not everyone uses Facebook, websites, emails etc, most of this is new to me also. I have been running our Club Sessions with Families and Adults only sessions for over 10yrs, and the Learn to Skate for nearly as long. Yet they are managed completely different. The CLUB only sessions are flexible and managed by face-to-face updates, weekly Facebook posts and casual pay as you go (mainly cash). Whilst on the other hand, the Centre’s Learn to skate program, although designed and delivered by myself (and our coaches), all the administration side of things were managed by the Centres paid employees. Where they handled all the details, phone calls, registrations, bookings, and payments. We as instructors would be paid by the centre to be there to instruct and deliver our program etc. These sessions cannot run as casual sessions due to capacity and learning restrictions, therefor prior bookings are essential.

With this new system I have also had to purchase a laptop so that I could set up online website portals etc for our families to access all the information and process with ease. As mentioned above, I am still working on that and doing the best I can.

I understand that some families will be feeling uncertain of what to do next week when the Term 3 program starts. Please be assured that if you have filled in the SKATE CRU ENROLLMENT FORM (expression of interest), you can simply turn up as per normal for your nominated session time. I have processed all the forms into our registration portal where I can access your individual registration’s, generate invoices & process payments etc from. Preferred Payment options will be Cash or Bank Transfer. We have purchased a payment terminal for those that need eftpos, yet this does incur fees (2%).

I am hopeful that the next stages after this email will run smoothly, please contact me if you have any concerns with anything that may come up. I will help clarify &/or fix any unforeseen mistakes asap.

In the coming days you should receive some emails from this portal, Skate FIT Cru Inc, they should contain your invoices with payment directions as well as details on how to log into your registrations, so you can update any details and register for future programs easier.

If any details are incorrect, please email me asap if you are unable to make the changes yourself. This may also include some necessary changes to invoices to include SPORTS VOUCHER payments or extras like SKATE HIRE. If you wish to use your child’s SPORTS VOUCHER towards Term 3, please send in a completed SV form

Again, this is new to all of us, and this was a challenge our club deemed necessary to keep our #skatefamily rolling. My utmost priority has, and always will be, to ensure our Lil’ skaters can continue to roll in the sessions they have come to enjoy, as part of their weekly schedule. As I’ve mentioned before, all the administration side of things can be sorted in due time.

Apologies in advance if click the wrong buttons in my next processes of emailing everyone and activating your registrations whilst making our web page links live (again there is a lot of tech I am now learning, and we all know I’m not young, ha-ha)

I look forward to rolling with your little skaters soon…

…. Kindest regards …Melanie (Mel #1) … Club President … (& my amazing Cru) ..


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