Roller Derby Level 1 Coaching Course


Tue 31 Jan 2023 09:00 — Thu 30 Nov 2023 11:59
Skate Australia - Roller Derby Course Level 1

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Roller Dery - Coaching course

Once you register and pay for the Coaching Course, the link to the assessment will be sent to you. 

You will have two weeks to submit your assessment, after which time, an assessor will mark your course and be in touch. 

Before you register for the course, you must complete the following and upload certificates of: 

Relevant state Working with Children Check/Blue Card

Play by the Rule Child Protection and Safeguarding Course

ASC Community Essentials Coaching Course


This course will teach fundamentals in Roller Derby Coaching, including safety on and off field of play, coaching techniques and game play. 


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