
Athletics has been a strong part of the Shepparton/Goulburn Valley Region. We formed the club in 2019 with the vision of being the home of athletics in the region. In our first season, we experienced success on a Regional, State and National level. With dedicated coaches and friendly members, we are the place to run, jump and throw yourself into the sport of Athletics.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to:

The Club exists to provide both community participation and athletic pathways. In doing so we aim to identify, develop and enhance the experiences of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers in a fun, safe and sustainable environment.

Our Club Values are:

  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Be welcoming and inclusive of everyone.
  • Work together to create a supportive community.
  • Celebrate achievement, strive for success.
  • Support and mentor high performance.

Vision Statement:

Be the home for athletics in the Goulburn Valley that provides opportunities for participation and development for all.


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