Code of Conduct

Seville Dragons Junior Basketball Club Inc.

I approve my child / children participating in the Seville Dragons Basketball League.
I also agree that all staff members and volunteers are to be free and clear of all responsibility for any loss or injury whatsoever to the above
participant/s. Should this participant require medical attention while participating in the program, I permit those in charge to seek the
most immediate medical attention available and also agree to cover all transport, medical attention and medical accommodation costs that may

Media Release
I give I understand that these photographs may be published in print or electronically.

Play by the rules
Always be respectful to my coach, teammates, volunteers and opposition
Give it my best shot at all times
Participate for my enjoyment and benefit
Be a good sport and acknowledge all good efforts from my team and the opposition.

Parents Code of Conduct (to be signed by parent)
Let my child be a child and encourage them to be involved, do their best and have fun!
Praise my child's effort and improvement, and will not be caught up in the scoreline.
Only ever teach a child how to improve on decisions and will never abuse a child for making a mistake.
Get my child to training and games well before the start time
Always encourage my child/children to do the right thing and respect volunteers
Get involved where I can with training and game day duties

Zero Tolerance Policy
We all get a little involved at times in our children's sporting ventures; please be aware that we will not tolerate any of the following behaviours and
reserve the right to remove you from the centre and/or forfeit your registration(s) immediately if any of the following occur;
Consistent belligerent challenging of the rulings of the referees (they're humans too, please treat them as such), ask questions! do not dictate
Untoward actions or abuse towards children in your team or opposition
Untoward actions or abuse towards Volunteers, Armadale Arena employees, Committee Members, Referees or Spectators.

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