
Match Reports - Saturday 25th July

Published Sun 26 Jul 2020


JFFA: Seaforth Jets WIN 4-1 against the Manly Cockatoos

After anxiously waiting on the tarmac for the COVID cloud to clear, there was a break in cloud cover and the Jets ignited their engines.

The returning 2019 champion squadron had a rookie in their midst named Charlotte who showed strength and tenacity as her signature move. Our Top Gun Luke O fired three hits strongly supported by his wingmen Dylan and Luke “Duke” P. Not to be outdone, young gun Noah gunned it down the sideline to make a direct hit.

Of course none of this could be achieved without the pocket rocket Lil who shadowed her rivals with unwavering strength. All squadron members showed outstanding resilience after returning from a long break. Working strongly as a team led by their Captain, they made their Coach, Manager and legally limited supporters extremely proud. They can hold their heads high knowing their strong team work and chatter will be their strengths for this testing new grade.

Fortunately, they have a secret weapon in their box. Completely fearless at incoming attack, Zane showed no sign of strain deflecting missiles left, right and centre where his trusty backline of Squid & Fia would clear the decks.

Returning to base, there were no green frogs to be seen. But this didn’t phase the Jets - they knew in their hearts they all earned their stripes - not a frog!

OPEN WOMENS: And it draws all round for the Seaforth Bombers and the Seaforth Maydays

Seaforth Bombers VS Manly Red - 5 - 5 Draw
A high-scoring match with both teams determined to get one up on the opposition, choosing to play with 9 players instead of ten for the entire first half of the game, the Bombers settled into the game quickly with the highlights being the strong and formidable goals by Shannon and Belinda. It was great to see Heather settle straight into the team and quickly find her skilful hockey feet after a longish break from the grass.  Bridgie was on point for the high ball attempt at goal and had stick at the ready to save the firing missile from taking off her head - great reflexes! (Thanks to Olivia and Danni N for choosing to warm up for the Maydays game and supporting the Bombers)

Seaforth Maydays VS Avalon Beaches - 0 - 0 Draw
The nerves were high when the pink and blue came striding towards the pitch, chatter amongst the team about the competitive nature of the Beaches team was rife, but once the Maydays took the field and settled into the game the strong defences of the Maydays kicked into gear frustrating the Beaches team that they were unable to put anything over the line. The forward combinations began to find their stride in the second half with better combinations of passing and much more play at in the attacking zone against Beaches, if not for the persistent and very lucky Beaches goalie, the Maydays could have walked away with a win. (Thanks to Di, Belinda and Gabi, for backing up after the Bombers Game to help out the Maydays)


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