
Match Reports - Saturday 1st August

Published Sat 01 Aug 2020

JFFA: Seaforth Jets WIN 2-0 against the UTS Curl Curl Eagles

Click the image to see the full album of the Jets from August 1st!

Whilst warming their engines and discussing flight movements, Top Gun Luke O was questioned by the opposition “whether the Jets are any good?” Confidently he confirmed “yes we are” whilst his Captain uncomfortably considered the battle ahead. Concern grew when battle weary Niam appeared from a dog-fight the previous night. 

Once in flight, the team knew they had a battle on their hands. The Eagles were a formidable, well trained flock. 

Again strength was evident from Wingman Dylan darting everywhere, firing missiles to the frontline so Top Gun could make two direct hits. Positioning was key from Jade near the post and versatility from David to move where the team needed. 

Hard defence was required from our halves and backs with many short corners from a worthy opponent. For a moment base believed we’d copped a hit - fortunately a tactical error had occurred from the Eagles whilst shots were fired. 

Holding tight, Squid had outstanding defence with his trusty teammate Bob. Doing “whatever it takes” to support their fearless goalie Zane.

Though the opposition worked tirelessly all game - the Eagles had their wings well and truly clipped!


Seaforth Bombers VS Avalon Boomers - 4 - 0 WIN!

Click the image to see the full album of the Bombers from August 1st!

Another high-scoring match with the Seaforth Bombers, finding there groove this week must have been having Em and LIz back from minor injury and travelling with a really smooth game which saw the talents in defence, midfield and attack dominate this weeks game against the Avalon Boomers.  Great midfield work between Danni D, Belinda, Di and KC, got the Bombers controlling the play with a 2 up lead by half time. Belinda copped a mudsling to the eye off a free hit. This weeks goal saw some serious passing in around the circle and a great 2 goals from Shannon and 2 from Gabi with the highlight for this week Gabi's cracking goal which saw all spectators along the sideline raw in awe! Classy move Gabi! (Thanks to Tammy, Olivia and Danni N for choosing to warm up for the Maydays game and supporting the Bombers this week)

Seaforth Maydays VS Manly Red - 3 - 1 Loss


Click the image to see the full album of the Maydays from August 1st!

The Manly Reds dominated the first half put away there first 3 goals quite quickly - actually so quick,y the defence didn't see the first one off the short corner as it came flying towards the goal at lightspeed. Great midfield work from Verity and Danni N, with our newest recruit Tammy fitting into a keen team up the front with Olivia, Kylie and our Bombers mates filling in this weeks gaps. But after half time the Maydays firmed up their passing and defence to hold off Manly to only score 1 goal in the second half, including some determined saves from our goalie Sal defending a couple of rockets from making their way through the posts. With Tammy on her debut for the Maydays slamming one onto the backboards for Maydays first points on the board for the 2020 season!

For points tables and draws - keep an eye on the website where these are updated after each round

And don't forget to send in your Open Votes for Player of the Match and post your #seaforthselfies to win on the club Instagram @seaforthhockeyclub





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