Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Thank you for registering to play with the Seacliff Hockey Club in 2025.

Please note – by registering to play via this portal, you are paying a compulsory fee to HockeySA and Hockey Australia of $165 for seniors and $98 for juniors. (Does not apply for those registering for Hookin2 Hockey who pay a separate fee.)

This fee does not include Seacliff Hockey Club membership and playing fees. For payment of these fees, ranging up to $680 for seniors and $165 to $360 for juniors), a separate invoice will be emailed to you in the coming weeks from the Treasurer of the Seacliff Hockey Club to the email address you have registered with. In 2025, these fees will include the new uniform. Senior fees are due by April 30. Junior fees are due by 31 May 2025.  Fees paid by the due date will receive a discount. Juniors are welcome to use the SA Government's Sports Voucher to help offset fees.

The club’s fee schedule for 2025 and the 2025 Fee Policy are available from our website.

By registering with Seacliff Hockey Club you agree to abide by our Membership Agreement policy. this can be found here. 2025 Membership Agreement.Please email with any questions, including to establish a payment plan.

For other enquiries, email or